Gillian M0OVW..Mountain Goat

A big Congratulations to Gillian M0OVW on achieving Mountain Goat status. She is seen here being presented with MG trophy and badge from fellow Mountain Goats Allan GW4VPX and Ben GW4BML at the GW SOTA s2s and Hog Roast event over the weekend. Welcome to the herd Gillian :goat:

73 Allan


Many congratulations Gillian on becoming a Mountain Goat! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Hearty congratulations Gillian on achieving MG :ok_hand::clap::pray:

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Many Congratulations Gillian. Well done indeed. :grinning:

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Congratulations Gillian @M0OVW - it was great to be part of your special day celebrations! Welcome to the herd as they all say :slight_smile:

73, Ben

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Many congratulations Gillian. Well done! Lovely to meet you on the weekend too.

73 Steve

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Congratulations Gillian @M0OVW

A fantastic achievement. Thanks for all the contacts along the way.

Was good to meet up again on Saturday.

73, Robert

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Excellent. Well deserved!

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Congratulations Gillian on achieving Mountain Goat. It was good to see you recently at the GW SOTA Hog Roast.

Jimmy M0HGY

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Well done Gillian.

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Congratulation Gillian, and thank you for introducing your fellow MG to everyone on Saturday,



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MG, Very Well Deserved Gillian. It is always good to hear you. Many thanks for the QSO’s. I look forward to many more. 73 de Paul. M0CQE.

Congrats! Good to see at the weekend too.

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Thanks Ben, it was a great day. It was lovely to see everyone and get them in the log. Lots of summits to summits from fellow goats some with so many SOTA points they are almost a herd on their own. :goat::goat::laughing:.Catch you all on another hill


Congratulations. A fantastic achievement. Well done.

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Congratulations Gillian. It was lovely to add to your s2s count on the day. What a wonderful party Ben threw to congratulate you and Dave on joining the herd - I hope you thanked him!!
73 Viki

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Well done Gillian!

Great to meet up with you both again on Saturday


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Congratulations Gillian!

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Many Congratulations Gillian!


Matt G8XYJ

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Congratulations Gillian! Welcome to the herd… I think we need something nicer than “goat” for ladies… :grin: