GI/SM-006 Mullaghcarn 15/07/20 by e-trike

Finally managed to get out on an activation again which wasn’t a drive on. I bought an e-trike last week so that I would get a chance to go with Ian GI0AZB on some of the summits - many of you know that I have Leukaemia and Large Vessel Vasculitis along with very bad knees and have only been able to do a few drive ons since 2018. I’m well enough now to walk 0.5 miles with about 40ft elevation (heart rate at 140 though!) but there’s no way I could do 1.5 miles with 900ft elevation! The trike allows me to stop without putting my feet down and therefore not putting pressure on my knees and being electric prevents my heart going into overdrive! I’ve written a short report on Wordpress and copied it here on the reflector. I also want to say a massive thank you to Ian who does all the heavy work and keeps being supportive no matter what mad scheme I come up with to get back on the hills!


Like the look of the trike, Esther. Does it go fast? Nice big battery pack!
The WX looks not so good though.

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Too fast on the flat Simon!! (apparently distance wise it can do up to 40 miles fully charged). On the very steepest parts - 15% incline it struggled but I had 2 rucksacks and dogs as well as myself! I had to get off and use the walk mode for a bit. It will be trial and error til we see what it can cope with.

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Hi Esther

Thank you for the post and the link to your report. It’s nice to hear that the trike has enabled you to get back on the hills. As lockdown was eased in GW I ventured out for the first time last Sunday on to Frenni Fawr and it was great to hear so many familiar voices sounding in good health. I look forward to a contact with you both in the very near future. Stay safe both.

73 & 88 Allan GW4VPX


Lovely to see that you have found a suitable trike to get you back on the hills again Esther. I just hope it is more reliable than your forecasts!! I think it is time those pampered pooches (what natty suits!) earnt their keep and realised, when the hills get steep, they are expected to jump out of their fur lined box, harness up and start pulling you and trike up the hill! Thank you for all those misty pictures which made me realise how fussy I have beome when choosing when to venture out - but sometimes our forecasts are as bad as yours.

Fingers crossed for a s2s with you before too long but we are a bit far apart for 2m/70cm usually - but, if all goes well we will be in Snowdonia the week after next (25 July+) which will bring us a bit closer… I see that Ian was on his pushbike - are you sure he didn’t hang on to the back of your trike when the going got tough and that is why the trike couldn’t manage the hill??
73 Viki M6BWA


Now there’s an idea but I think we might need Tucker harnessed up to pull me up those hills although I’m 4 stone lighter than the last time you saw me Vicki! We could try to be in the Mournes that week as Ian has MM001 and 002 to do to finish off GI. He was going today but fog and rain there all day although by the Met office that probably means sunshine all day! I won’t be doing them yet (helicopter lift in I think would be best) but if I was on high ground like the last time we could probably work 70cms again.

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Welcome back to SOTA activation Esther.
Stay safe and I hope to work you soon

73 & 88 Dave G3TQQ

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Hi Esther,

good to hear from you, well done and hope to have a S2S shortly. Thanks also to Iain.



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