
It’s sometimes amazing how we never check out places in our own locality.
Today I activated Slievetrue, a summit which is only 3 miles from where I lived for 21 years, yet had never visited. Even as a radio amateur I was unaware of its existence, the popular VHF spot being the Knockagh, about 1 mile away.

A very easy ascent and nice views towards the other AH Hills and GM on the horizon over the Irish sea.
Thanks to all the chasers and of course the 6 activators who added the S2S :blush:

…it was a prime driver in establishing SOTA.

Really bad luck because i listened you and try to call you for S2S …
Your signal was 559 … Next time
Bravo for your Ice Bucket :wink:
73 QRO

Richard, it’s a good job you didn’t live in Northampton… the scheme would never have got off the ground or would have been based on P50 hills!

Well done on the activation Pete, especially having so many S2S contacts.It was a pity that I couldn’t give you a better report - conditions appeared to be decidedly long skip and I had to use the 300Hz filter and DSP in combination to read you.

73, Gerald G4OIG

Hi Pete;

Sorry I missed you today, 40m is still weird.
During the activation I could not hear you but later on copied you 579 working an S2S.

73 de Ken G3XQE

Roger, I didn’t hear you :cry:. The strong wind was making a lot of noise.
Gerald, yes condx were far from good for inter G contacts. I don’t have my 60m rig with me either, which may have been better.
Ken, yes I heard you on 14Mhz working an HB9. You were about 53.

Hi Peter,
What makes our S2S even more fun is that it was a 2X ATS-4 S2S. Love that little rig!

Of course it would. I am told that the best thing about Northampton is the road out.

We did Slievetrue as a convenient summit to do before getting the ferry: a pleasant little hill. We met the farmer when ascending the transmitter road, and he showed us the way round to the trig. I think he was curious as to what we were doing, but appear to lose interest when he discovered we weren’t metal detecting. At one stage his cows were showing too much interest in the HF dipole, but some after a bit of a staring match they decided to wander off to a different part of the field to our relief.

Hence why I try to escape as often as I can. Chasing a few summits allows me to dream that I am not there! Seeing photos such as those posted by Pete just enhances the experience. :slight_smile:

Yes indeed Paul.
I’ve had quite a few S2S ATS4 QSOs and even a few MTR-MTR.
Great rigs.


Luckily no cows (or bulls) up at the trig point although plenty of signs that they’d been there (checks sole of boot!)

No sign of any farmer, in fact I didn’t see a soul whilst there. The only sign of life were the 2 other cars parked beside me on the return to Slievetrue Road. (Probably dog walkers in Woodburn Forest)

PS If any one wants NI OS Sheet 09 (1:50 000) covering Larne and Ballymena (most of the AH Summits) or Sheet 29 (The Mournes) most of MM Summits, I’ve got a virgin copy of each (other than the (B) pencil marked summits) surplus to requirement. (I later found 1:25 000 sheets).

If you would like them for planning a GI visit you can have them both for £10 with free posting in UK. (PM me)