Geoff Peel G6MZX now SK

I have just been informed that one time active SOTA activator and chaser, Geoff Peel G6MZX went silent key last week. I’ll post more info when I have it.

Geoff’s health had been failing for some which was why he was no longer on the air.

Condolences to friends and family.

RIP Geoff.


Really sorry to hear that Geoff is no longer with us Andy. I had not had any contact with him in recent years, but used to talk to him on 2 or 4m when he was out portable and on numerous occasions in person at his Thornton QTH.

My sincere condolences.
Mike G4BLH

So sorry to hear SOTA enthusiast and top hobbyist Geoff Peel has passed away. We first met on Rombalds Moor in January 2009. Geoff was such a happy easy going chap who could cheer anyone up. My most memorable time with Geoff was when we activated Ailsa Craig, also in 2009, on the trip organised for a large number of Activators by Jimmy M0HGY. I had 43 QSOs with Geoff operating from his home QTH, so he was very active both as an activator and chaser for some years.

73 Phil G4OBK

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