GD Land visit

Following on from the previous post regarding activating GD/GD-002

I sailed last Thursday (9th May) from Liverpool to Douglas and due to the Cat boat only running on 3 out 4 engines, the sailing was slower than normal which meant I picked up the hire car later than planned, around 90mins later!

Liverpool landing pier

Once I had picked up my luggage from the ferry terminal I located the car in the car park.

Set the satnav for the carpark at the base of the hill and set off.
The car park was empty apart from a couple of cars. Grabbed my gear and set off up the ‘Green way’ track. Forking left about 1 mile to take the narrow sheep path to the top.
Arriving I saw the bell and gave it a ring

With it being a quiet summit I made use of the trig point to hold the mast.
HF and 2m setup.

Spotted on HF and made around 19 contacts. I did try 2m at the end but no joy - but I didn’t put a spot out.
By this time, time was marching on and I had to meet friends and the rest of the rescue crew who are heading over on the ferry for the rally and a table was booked in the Chinese in Douglas for 19:30

Some pictures from the rally for those interested.

I had some time on Sunday, so I managed to get up Snaefell
HF 2m gave the best results from the hill. I did try HF but was no good.

The two activation’s gave me 100 activator points and activation of a whole association :slight_smile:
cheers all.



Nice original Cooper and pair of MkII’s :slight_smile: My mate’s mum’s car he learned to drive in was a MkII Escort, reg SKD188T (why do I remember useless info like a 1978 registration that wasn’t mine?) Any MkI photos?


I listened out for both you and @m7sfp on Snaefell from my summit on 2m but couldn’t hear either of you. Maybe if I’d brought the beam it would have worked, but 2m seemed a bit up and down on Sunday.

@MM0FMF sorry Andy no pics of MK1 Escorts. The Escort (car 21) had a slight argument with a dry stone wall in 5th at 70mph. The wall won.

@MW0PJE I also listened for M7SFP as well and did’nt hear anything.
Thanks for listening out.

I’ve never known the ferry to be operating on all engines!

It’s 48 years since I was last on any of the IOM ferries. Must be time to go and bag another association and some uniques?

Maybe it is time to go bag another association and some unique’s

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On my bucket list too. The cost of the ferry always puts me off when I look at it. Certainly looks like shoehorning SOTA into a week away with Mrs OIG. :grinning:

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Randomly picking a date for a foot passanger from Liverpool to Douglas

The car I hired was £59 for a medium size from 4hire and picked this up from the Douglas ferry terminal and returned to there as well.



If you’re travelling light, Easyjet have cheap flights from Liverpool to Ronaldsway.
Worked out cheaper for me than as a foot passenger on the ferry.

They don’t seem to fly IOM-Scotland though.


Loganair: Edinburgh to IOM around £130 round trip depending on the day

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