Been trying to set up a DV sked with Adam @M3SXO via this platform. He’s on DMR, whereas I am on Fusion. We’ve got as far as me being able to hear him and see his callsign flash up, but him not being able to hear my replies. That was with him accessing via TGIF TG7682, and me going via YSF - GB-SOTA. When he tried via TG973, I couldn’t hear him at all.

We were able to converse when both connected into HubNet, so not sure what’s going on. Can anyone shed any light?

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And almost as soon as I post this, we’ve solved it. Adam needed to add this talk group to a list in his DMR settings, and now he can receive the traffic coming back to him. I had a problem with my side 24 hours ago too, but I solved that earlier today by updating all the firmware on the FT-991A. A bit of a mithery job - but it’s done now!

We’re probably going to be having a few chats via GB-SOTA on DV, so the facility will have a bit more traffic in-between the monthly nets. Use it or lose it as they say. If anyone else finds us chatting on there and wants to join in, please feel free.

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I am currently connected to GBSOTA (in my case via FT991A and Openspot - but there are several routes - see initial post above).

If anyone else is around, give me a call!

As above. It’s Friday 8/3/2024 @ 2135z, and I’m monitoring the GB SOTA room.

Anyone for a SOTA-themed chat?