Congratulations to Gary Kulling K3TCU, NA’s newest Super Sloth.
I’ve got Gary in my log a number of times and we often chat off frequency after Chasing the same Activator on 40m.
Nice to see all that hard work is paying off. Well done !
Congrats Gary. Since we are so close in distance your signal sounds to me like those you hear over the pole , when you work Russia. Hi. Glad to have another ham from Pennsylvania chasing. You always have a big signal. 10K is a nice milestone. Take care and have a nice Easter. 73 de Scotty KG3W
I know how tough it is chasing, lots of hours spent in front of the radio !
I just past 8000 points yesterday, maybe by next spring I’ll make SS !
Congrats Gary. So glad that you have graced my logbook so often and nearly always at a signal of 5.9! Thanks for being there when I often needed a chaser. Well done.
Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments and congratulations. 57 years with a ham license and I’ve never enjoyed amateur radio more than I have in the last 15 months. Great folks and a great organization. I am looking forward to the journey to GOAT.
Great job Gary! Was hoping to congratulate you from a peak during the past few days but prop was so poor to
AZ that I figured I should keep the Qs to a signal report and 73. Thanks for all the contacts and hope to work you on many, many more summits.