G6TUH 10000 chaser points

Well done Mike on reaching the 10000 point mark :slight_smile:

73 de Mick M0MDA

In reply to M0MDA:

Yes indeed well done and thanks for listening out for me on numerous occasions

73 de Kevin G7KXZ

In reply to M0MDA:

Congratulations Mike,

I hope I can add a few points for you if I ever get the confidence to use HF.

Very best wishes and well done,


In reply to M0MDA:

Congratulations, Mike.

Well done Mike and thanks for the contacts along the way; 33, I think, so just off the bottom of my list of top 10 chasers. Special thanks for being there on all my HF summits on the recent trip to LD, especially the one-pointers. Thanks also for reminding me who you are; as you may have noticed I have quite a lot of difficulty in matching names to call-signs. (It was so much easier on 2m FM when I knew from my location who the likely chasers would be.)

Look forward to some more contacts soon; we might be in NP in a couple of weeks and weather permitting I will be working on HF on four-pointers and below.

Here’s to the next 10000,

Congratulations Mike on achieving the Super Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:
Well done Mike now for the next Ten Thousand cheers for now Dave M3XIE

Hi Mike

Congratulations on reaching yet another SOTA milestone.

Thanks for being at the end of a text message and for posting
the spots when I’ve been struggling to get myself heard on a summit.

Looking forward to the next joint activation down in the SE :slight_smile:


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to M0MDA:
Well done Mike…

Steve MW0BBU.

Congratulations Mike on achieving this milestone!
It was a pleasure to increase your chaser log to 10016 points today. We both also have achieved a small milestone: this was our 25th QSO. So you are one of my most frequent chasers.
Hope to hear you on the band again.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

In reply to M0MDA:

Congratulations Mike…

Hey it was good to see your picture on the opening page of Qrz.com last week.



Well done Mike.
Thought you would be there very soon,catch up with you when I return.73 Don G0RQL.

In reply to G0RQL:
Congrats Mike. Getting to this level requires alot of Put your Butt in the chair time. HI. Well Done. de Scotty KG3W

In reply to KG3W:

Hi Mike,

congrats to your scores…
and tks fer all the QSO’s

73 de Franz ON9CBQ

Well done Mike and thoroughly deserved. Your 40m signal is outstanding.

73 Mike

Congrats Mike and now have even more fun with that new antenna!

73, Barry N1EU

Hi Mike,

congrats !!! Well done…hope see you on the summits many more times !!!

vy 73 Klaus

Hi Mike
Congratulations! Your score would even be higher if i would do more SSB!
73 de HB9BIN/p

In reply to HB9BIN_3:
Hi Mike

Well done Mike and yes Juerg we would all have more points if you did more SSB however we are grateful for what we can get HI.

Regards Steve G6LUZ

In reply to G6LUZ:
Well done Mike on getting 10,000 points. I am about 3/4 there so a while before I manage it.

73 Andrew G4AFI

Thanks all.
Best wishes & good luck 8)
Mike G6TUH