G4SSH Roy SK 25/12/2020

Such sad news.
No word to explain how life is unfair.
ROY, you will be always the Boss !
R.I.P - Miss you

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Hardly met such a polite, professional top-operator.
Roy was a real gentleman in things which matter in SOTA.
Will always remember and miss his CW signs,


So very sorry to hear the news of Roy’s death.
I remember with gratitude his help with spotting and his general encouragement when I first started SOTA.
I also have good memories of expeds to Blackpool with Roy, Nick G4OOE, and Pete M0HQO.
RIP Roy.
Dave G3TQQ

Sorry to hear of Roy’s passing - R.I.P Roy.


There are no words to explain what I feel.
Roy will be always in my mind as a great operator and SOTA friend.
Andre f5ukl

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So sorry to hear the sad news of Roy’s passing my condolences to the family.

Roy we will miss you. You have always been a constant caller.
My condolences to his family, Fred DL8DXL

I am very sorry to hear this sad news. May Roy rest in peace.

73, Hans PB2T

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Roy will be missed by the SOTA operators in Australia too. Condolences to his family and friends.
Andrew vk1da/vk2uh

No more “SSH” in the pile-up …
A great CW operator is gone
R.I.P Roy

Christian F6FTB

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I am very sorry to hear this sad news. I will remember Roy as a top-chaser. RIP.

Tonnie - PA9CW

Very sad news.


Sad news … R.I.P. Roy.
Had Roy in my log 15 times between 2016 and 2018.
Thanks for reporting John, my condolences to you, and pass them on to his family.

That is sad news.

I’m an occasional activator, so Roy’s only in my log a few times, but I particularly remember the first time I heard that di di dit di di dit di di di dit answering my CQ.


Rick M0LEP

I am very sorry to hear this sad news.
I am always happy to contact the usual hunters on the summits, among them was Roy with his unmistakable call.
Rest in peace Roy.

Marcial, EA2WX

Very sad news. Rest in Peace Roy.

Marat A. RA9WJV

Very sad news.


I’ve never been proficient in using words, my statement here is not as eloquent as those preceding, however I would like to add my condolences.

I think my first QSO with Roy was when I was using a modified RockMite as part of LA1KHA’s PP3 Challenge. I’d not worked many G stations on CW before as I had been mostly operating on 30m. My RockMite had been specially modified for 9v operation. I took the rig on a trip activating St Sunday Crag G/LD-010, Fairfield G/LD-007 and Seat Sandal G/LD-022. Roy is in my log for all three summits on that day.

Roy was a kind and patient gentleman and SOTA benefited hugely from his involvement. I have missed working Roy in recent years and will continue to do so.



A great loss to SOTA, and the amateur community at large. His was the only callsign I could guarantee to read without a repeat.


Barry GM4TOE



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