G4SSH Roy SK 25/12/2020


  1. G4SSH-SK. Further to his hospitalisation on 17th December, I regret to report that Roy passed away on Christmas Day. Please see my later post - No37 on this thread).
  2. This thread reached 100 messages and was automatically closed. Please see the continuation thread: G4SSH Roy SK 25/12/2020 part 2 - People - SOTA Reflector

(I have modified the title from “G4SSH Roy in Hospital with COVID-19” to the current one. Andy MM0FMF). Thanks for that Andy and for instigating part-2, John.

To All:
I’m sorry to say that G4SSH Roy, well known CW man and ex-SOTA News Editor, was admitted to Scarborough Hospital after being found unconscious in his care home on the morning of 17th December.

Having failed to get through to him on the phone since 27th November on which date we had a good conversation for over 30 minutes, I was amazed when he phoned me tonight (19th) from his hospital bed on the COVID ward. We were on for 5-minutes, Roy speaking 90% of the time and though I could make out almost nothing of what he said, his voice was at least fairly strong which is encouraging. I could hear the nurse helping him with phoning. At the end we did our usual thing which was ‘VA’ in Morse from me with ‘dit-dit’ coming right back; then ‘73.’

I know Roy was known to many SOTA activators, who do miss him on the air, as do I. He moved to a new and larger room in October so I dropped-off his FT1000, Keyer etc. at the home; giving the manager a 20m band indoor dipole plus instructions. No outside antennas allowed. It wouldn’t be up to much but I thought if he could at least hear even one or two of the strongest CW signals it might help with the isolation.

Unfortunately the home haven’t had chance to string the aerial up because COVID is in the place. I wish I’d been allowed to, or dared to, go in. It would have taken me half an hour. The other issue is Parkinson’s and its effect on Roy’s mental well being in the way of hallucinations. Sometimes when you speak to him he is better than others.

Many thanks to Andy MM0FMF who phoned me yesterday, to everybody on Phil G4OBK’s thread who left messages and to Allen to say I’m very sorry to hear about his sad loss which must be truly dreadful, especially when Christmas comes around. I managed to pass these good wishes on to Roy tonight at the end of our conversation.

I am in touch with Roy’s daughter Heather via email and if I hear any more I will post it on here.

Born 1936, we hope & pray he’ll pull through. If so it’ll be a long job. Where there’s life there’s hope and our local amateur Muriel G6AFZ managed it in April and she’s the same age as Roy.

I hope everybody finds at least some positives in their respective Christmases though this won’t be one to remember.

73 John
Just stay safe!


Sorry to hear that Roy G4SSH has COVID19 and has been admitted to hospital as a result from this. I hope he makes a full recovery from this.

Jimmy M0HGY

Please pass Roy my best wishes when you next get chance to speak to him John. He’s a great chap who has made a significant contribution throughout the life of SOTA both as a leading chaser and as News Editor. Hope he follows in Muriel’s footsteps.

Thanks for posting, John. Roy has been a positive and helpful presence throughout my years with SOTA, and my thoughts are with him for a full recovery.

I wish Roy the very best of luck in his latest fight. I enjoyed his SOTA scribe work.


Sorry to hear this John. Please pass on my best wishes to Roy. Hoping he will pull through this.

Take care John.

Karen 2E0XYL

My best wishes to Roy at this time.
Scot (2E0WWV/P)

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Please send my greatest wishes to ROY.
He is one of my favorite chaser.
SOTA FEVER is stronger :crazy_face:
73 QRO


Hello John
What a really sad news. I hope that everything is going on a good way.
Give him all the best wishes from all of us.
Stay safe.
André f5ukl

This news saddens me. My sincere wishes for his recovery.

73 Rado S58R

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This is a terrible situation.

Good luck to Roy, we’re all thinking of you! Hoping you will get through this and back to good health as soon as possible.

73 Ed DD5LP.

Hope Roy recovers from this Covid.
I keep my fingers crossed.
Say my bets 73 to Roy.

Sad news: good luck Roy!

Hello John,
Sad news, please pass my best wishes to Roy for a quick recovery. Roy is the OM that had for me the right words to encourage me by starting Sota on CW.
Laurent F8CZI

Thanks for posting, John.
My thoughts are with Roy. Hope he makes a full recovery.
73, Roman

Thank you for passing on this information.
Roy, G4SSH gave me a “warm welcome” after my first SOTA activations in Jan 2010, and I think that his friendly words in SOTA News encouraged me to stick to SOTA. For many years an activation just was not complete for me without his call in my log.
My best wishes for his recovery!
73 Martin DF3MC

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Very sad news to hear about Roy. I hope he makes a full recovery from the virus. Please pass on my best wishes.

Thanks a lot John, for this info, although I’m sorry to hear that.
I miss Roy in my logs, always a great operator and a joy to read his articles.

Wish he will recover. I’m happy to know he replies dit-dit, and hope you will be able to install an aerial for him, maybe, to keep him in the mood.
Pass him our regards whenever possible.

73 de Ignacio

Not a lot to add really, other than I add my personal thoughts and best wishes to Roy.

I enjoyed working Roy on CW very much, he was very patient with me when I was beginning to pick up Morse again around 10 years ago.


I want to join the SOTA community in wishing the very best to Roy G4SSH in these difficult moments.
It would be great if you, John @G4YSS were allowed to get an aerial setup in the room for him to be able to hear at least the strongest signals. A magloop might be the best choice for that indoor situation.
I’ve been missing Roy signals on air for quite a long time now, I hope Roy will defeat the virus and Covid-19 will be overcome.
