G4SSH 20,000 Chaser points on CW

Heartiest congratulations Roy on reaching this milestone. You must have kept a good reserve supply of points to get through the last 1000 so quickly, and knock me off the lead in the 7Mhz/2008 table. It will be a dificult total to emulate but I will keep trying.

Best wishes

Congratulations Roy on a superb effort,
viva la CW.

73 de Geoff,G4CPA.

Well done Roy, I knew that you were close on my heels, but did not realise you were THAT close HI !! and it’s only taken you half the time it took me with you using CW only. Outstanding.
Regards, Mike G4BLH

In reply to G4CMQ:
Agree with everyone about Roy’s 20,000 points. Watch your back Roy cos I’m only about 15,000 points behind you - Hi. Vy 73’s de John.

In reply to G4CMQ:

Congratulations Roy. Well done - a marathon run. Please accept my apologies for the dire keying when we have worked: … … … doesn’t always come off the key as it is intended to, but I am sure you know who I am trying to work. I guess I am not the only one to be below par!

73, Gerald

In reply to G4OIG:

Thanks to all for your congratulations and comments.

My appreciation also goes to the hundreds of SOTA activators in the UK and throughout Europe who made this target possible. To amass 20,000 chaser points, especially on a single mode, must have seemed an impossible dream a few years ago and is a reflection of the increasing popularity of SOTA.

When you pass a major SOTA milestone you begin to consider if you will continue. In my case the answer is most certainly, I would miss my many on-the-air friends. However, now that the self imposed milestones of 20,000 chaser points and 2,500 Uniques have been reached I shall continue to chase in a more relaxed and casual manner, but still provide spots for the other chasers.

Next up to Super-Duper sloth will be Don G0NES and I wish him good luck.


(Currently G4SSH/A, in Cornwall)

Well done Roy !!

When I retire I will catch up with you hi,hi
