G4MWA/P and M6AJN/P LD Visit 14-19 July 2013

We’ve just returned home after another great week in the Lake District. The weather was certainly very hot, which made a pleasant change from the wind and rain of recent ‘summers’!

The summit tally for the week was:
Sun 14 Jul: Robinson (LD-021) & Dale Head (LD-020)
Tues 16 Jul: Skiddaw (LD-004)
Wed 17 Jul: Helvellyn (LD-003)
Fri 19 Jul: Stony Cove Pike (LD-018) & Red Screes (LD-017)
Total 44 activator points

All activations were on 2m FM using only 1.5W. The antenna on Robinson and Dale Head was a 3-ele SOTAbeam, while on the other summits the SOTAbeam MFD vertical dipole was used to good effect.

Andrew and I would like to thank all the Chasers who called us and who made our activations so enjoyable. We’re already looking forward to our next visit!

Fred GI4MWA & Andrew MI6AJN