G/WB-005 this Saturday

Looking at the weather, this Saturday 6th June probably won’t be a popular day for activating in much of UK!

Just in case though, a heads up about a mountain bike charity event:

It certainly won’t prevent activating Long Mynd, but the roads, tracks and parking spots are likely to be busier than usual :o)

I will be marshalling in one of the valleys, well away from the AZ…


In reply to G4AZS:

Saturday 6th June will certainly be unpopular for much of the UK. Saturday 7th June wont be any more popular either!



In reply to MM0FMF:
Doh! Yes, thanks Andy - 7th it is :o)

In reply to G4AZS: I activated Long Mynd Last week, beautiful space, wouldn’t fancy driving down it in the ice.
