G(W)4BML on tour in GI & EI this coming weekend - heads up!

Hi all,

Just a quick heads up just in case anyone needs a complete on what I intend to activate: I am going across the pond this coming Thursday 6th April to activate a few SOTA summits in the GI Mournes. I also hope to activate at least one EI summit on route! Below is my planned agenda if it goes to plan subject to wx:

Friday 7th April 2023:

  1. Slieve Donard GI/MM-001 @ approx 10:30 UTC

  2. Slieve Commedagh GI/MM-002 @ approx 12:45 UTC

Saturday 8th April 2023:

  1. Slieve Bearnagh GI/MM-004 @ approx 10:15 UTC

  2. Slieve Meelbeg GI/MM-005 @ approx 12:15 UTC

Monday 10th April 2023:

  1. Slieve Binnian GI/MM-003 @ approx 10:30 UTC

  2. Slievelamagan GI/MM-006 @ approx 12:45 UTC

Tuesday 11th April 2023:

  1. Clermont Carn EI/IE-021 @ approx 08:45 UTC

Times above are in UTC and a complete estimate subject to wx and leg conditions - I will operate on 5-CW, 7-SSB & 145-FM spotting on every frequency I call out on. It would be great to work some stations from this SOTA community :slight_smile: 73, G(I)4BML/p Ben


This is most inconvenient. Our last activation of our GI/EI trip is Thursday - so no S2S. I will monitor 2m FM though as we drive back across from Inishowen to Belfast on Friday.


Sorry Tom @M1EYP - fingers crossed we may make a qso from one summit on Friday on your way home.



I plan to be out on Friday and hopefully work you S2S when your activating GI/MM-001.
I will post an Alert closer to the day.

Cheers Ben, 73


Will listen out for you Chris @M0RSF - have a nice activation.

73, Ben

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Ben. It was a real delight to have you pick my slow CW call out of your busy pile-up on Slieve Donard (GI/MM-001) today, Friday 7th. As a CW newbie it was only my third ever CW chase and I managed to make a hash of it but the typical courtesy shown by you - and the many other shivering but patient activators who do likewise - to those of us clumsily learning the hard way ensured I left the shack on a total high and determined to reach for the key regularly in future. Thanks for making it a very Good Friday for me. 73 es tu agn. Mike :grinning:


Hi @2M0WNA Mike,

I hope all is well up North :+1: it was great to make a qso with you today on 7-CW, I had a few calling at the same time but picked MWL out and new it was you :grinning: nothing wrong with the keying buddy, all sounded perfect to me! Keep up the good work and I look forward to our next CW qso soon. I should be in GI or EI activating for the next 3 days.

Take care and 73,




On 5354.5 I could not hear you. So that’s why I asked for 40 or 20 meters CW. Thanks for calling on 7032. Both summits are a sota complete for me. Thanks for that. Good luck and maybe tomorrow again for one or two sota completes?
I will be QRV from a PAFF. So I will look out for you.

Have a nice day tomorrow.:+1:

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW


Ben, I wish you all the best on your demanding tour.
Unfortunately I’m not qrv on any of your days.
But see you on the Sunday after next.
73 Chris

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Tonnie - you were heard 599 in north-east Scotland. 73 Mike


Hi Tonnie @PA9CW,

It was great to get you itl on both summits yesterday and one today. 7 MHz is working well at present! I might do Slieve Croob GI/MM-010 tomorrow (Sunday 9th April) subject to wx if that is a complete for you - it’ll be approximately 14:15 UTC. And then I plan for two big ones on Monday which I’ve alerted for.

Take care and look forward to another qso.

73, Ben

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Thanks Chris @DL1CR - we’re having a good time over here in GI :grinning: looking forward to meeting up in a weeks time! Have a nice weekend.

73, Ben



thanks for QSO today. I was /P from PAFF-0179. Signal was not vy strong. GI/MM-010 is not a complete for me. Vut I will look out for you.
GI/MM-004 and GI/MM-005 would have been a complete for me. Maybe next time. No problem…

Good luck es enjoy. 73 - Tonnie - PA9CW

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Hi Ben,

I was waiting for GI/MM-004 (one of my last MM) on Saturday, not on Sunday (no activation planed on you first message).
But things are often different, it will be for next time, I hope.
You had the chance to work MM-004 with GI4OSF/P on 2m :crazy_face:
but on 07 April from MM-002 on 2m
Congrats for your great GI/EI tour.
Happy Easter
73, Éric

Maybe tomorrow :wink:

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Thanks Ben for the contacts. Was surprised to hear you on CW. Enjoy Ian and Esther land.
Take care and best 73

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thanks for today’s GI/MM-004. It was a real pile-up on 7033. Another complete for me.

PS later also GI/MM-005. Thanks for the second complete today. I hope you had a nice view. When I was there, a month ago; it was vy windy and cold.

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW

Hi Ben

Excellent propagation conditions on 20m this afternoon / evening from VK1. Your signal was clear and well above my low noise floor.

Thanks for the voice SSB S2S to GI/MM-004, which is my 2nd GI summit to summit in 10 days. :wink:

LP was open at 0600 UTC and started to fade around 0730 UTC, 60 20m SSB QSOs in my log from VK1/AC-041 and VKFF-0834.

Operating position

FT-857D @ 20 watts

73, Andrew VK1AD


Happy to work you this morning 40m CW Ben for a new unique :+1:
Was a hard pileup with the trouble maker as usual :expressionless:
But shh I don’t have the right to say more…sorry

73, Éric

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