G/TW-004 today

Well, that was a bust! Too much QRM, struggled to find a clear frequency on 20m or on 40m. Only one station managed to find me on each, so the summit went unactivated. I even found a clear frequency on 12m to have a deaf UA station come up on top of me. I had a strict time limit on this one, and the rain, wind, and frequent antenna collapses left me over the whole thing. One point is not worth that hassle :slight_smile:

Thanks to Don and Remy for making it back, and thanks for trying to Mike M0MDA who I could hear 5/7 but couldn’t hear me.

An enjoyable trip through the UK with a radio, I will post with links to my blog when I get all of the posts finished.


In reply to VK3ARR:
Hi Andrew,
Disappointing! But did you try CW? or is that not an option?
Andrew VK1DA/2uh

In reply to VK3ARR:
TW-004 is the only TW summit I’ve yet to chase, partly, I suspect, because it’s just the wrong distance from me (too far for ground-wave, too close for normal skip), but also because, for many activators, it seems to be one of those “been there, done that, and not coming back” summits. (My nearest, Botley Hill G/SE-005, is another.)

Glad the other summits worked better.

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to VK3ARR:

Hi Andrew,

I could hear you as you were working G0RQL on 40m but the QRM was too much for me to pull you out after your QSO with Don :frowning:

I have worked the summit on 12m before so when your spot showed up on 12m I thought we’d have a good chance of a QSO to help you qualify but the UA station calling CQ was 59-59+ and totally wiped you out.

Really sorry you didn’t manage to quality the summit.

I hope you have had a good time in the UK and I look forward to working you again, hopefully from a VK summit.

73 de M0MDA

In reply to VK2UH:

In reply to VK3ARR:
Hi Andrew,
Disappointing! But did you try CW? or is that not an option?

Hi Andrew,

I didn’t bring a key with me unfortunately.


In reply to VK3ARR:

Don’t forget that if you got at least 1 contact, it is still an “activation”. It will score zero points, but it will still count towards your “uniques”. It is worth submitting the log even if you got fewer than 4 contacts.

In reply to VK3ARR:

I didn’t bring a key with me unfortunately.

Which rig were you using, some, like the FT817 can use the buttons on the mic as a paddle/key. It’s not very good but better than nothing in an emergency.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Which rig were you using, some, like the FT817 can use the buttons on
the mic as a paddle/key. It’s not very good but better than nothing in
an emergency.

An FT-857, bought relatively recently, so I haven’t found out about that particular feature yet. Given they share a lot of firmware, I suspect it’s possible. Thanks for the tip.


In reply to VK3ARR:

It is Menu number 26, Andrew.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

I like this summit! 12m was not open when I set up after a successful 40m operation. The band appeared dead. But after a spot I managed to work Phil G4OBK who is about 20miles away on ground wave. I was happy with a multiplier and had a long drive ahead of me so wasn’t going to hang about. I called QRZ, just in case and was rewarded with a booming 59+ signal from Matt VK2DAG. 53 with QSB and QRM was my report. Not bad for 4.5W of SSB into a 1/4wave GP.


In reply to MM0FMF:

after a successful 40m operation

…which confirmed that at least for today it was the wrong distance from me for 40 metres, as I could hear some of the folk working you, but not you.

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:

Reasonable spread of chasers but it did seem quiet. There again it was a weekday not a weekend.

11:55z G4ZRP 7MHz SSB
11:58z M0IBC 7MHz SSB
11:59z G6ODU 7MHz SSB
12:00z M3NHA 7MHz SSB
12:00z M6NHA 7MHz SSB
12:01z G6MZX 7MHz SSB
12:04z G0TDM 7MHz SSB
12:05z F5UBH 7MHz SSB
12:06z G7BGA 7MHz SSB
12:07z M0IML 7MHz SSB
12:08z EI2KD 7MHz SSB
12:09z G0HRT 7MHz SSB
12:09z DL3EF 7MHz SSB
12:10z G0RQL 7MHz SSB
12:12z DJ6VM 7MHz SSB
12:15z G4WSX 7MHz CW
12:18z PA0B 7MHz CW
12:20z HB9BCB/P 7MHz CW s2s hb/vd-022
12:40z G4OBK 24MHz SSB
12:50z VK2DAG 24MHz SSB

EDIT: (The bit I forgot) though I suppose there are few longish QSOs there for midday on 40m. I’d have been pleased to have you in the log as I don’t think we’ve had a QSO yet.
