G/SP today, wrong spots

Just to clarify my summits today after several false spots. I was running RRT with gps enabled on my phone but the app thought I was somewhere else.

1130 - 1230 on G/SP-014 Longridge Fell.
16 x 12m
12 x 20m

1400 - 1510 on G/SP-012 Easington Fell.
22 x 12m
8 x 20m

HF conditions were generally poor. Sunny with 25C on both summits. Still 27C on the M60 round Manchester at 7pm.

In reply to G1INK:

I was running RRT

You just can’t get the programmers any more ! :slight_smile:

Steve, you were a good 51 with me on Black Mount SS-158 when you were working 24MHz SSB. I was, how can I put it, somewhat surprised to hear you. You couldn’t hear me though. I doubt it was groundwave at that distance so I assume it was some kind of back scatter.

What was the antenna and power you were using.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Andy, I listened on your spotted qrg but nothing heard. I was running 100w to a sotabeams dipole in an inverted vee config. I have a new lifepo4 16aH battery which runs around just over 13v so there’s a good chance I’m running full power - maybe ground wave with tropo enhancement. I gather there was tropo on 2m today.

In reply to G1INK:

Interesting. I was delighted, actually, to find 24MHz open when I was on a summit. I was getting a little annoyed to see everyone else working many contacts and I’d only had one QSO. And it was my idea for the challenge! :wink: There was lots of QSB and periods of intense inactivity but I’d allocated 1hr of challenge time so I just kept plugging away.

The wait worth was made worthwhile today with a pair of S2S contacts with Heinz OE5EEP and Daniel OK1DIG. Oh and a wee bit of DX sneaked in. I worked TZ6BB in Mali. I thought TZ was yet another French special call like TM. There’s always loads of TMs on the air when it’s FD and I though this must be a SOTAist who happened to be with his contest mates. Nope Mali. Always nice to get Africa in the log.

Conditions were weird again, but 17m was bizarre. I didn’t work anything exotic or DX-y at all. I did spend 10mins listening to a 4S7 station in Colombo working reams and reams and reams of W6 stations who were all giving locations between San Francisco and Los Angeles. I can’t remember ever hearing such a concentration of Californian stations. The 4S7 was about 56 but most Californians were 59. Of course I didn’t work any of them :frowning:


In reply to MM0FMF:
Thanks for the S2S contact on 12m Andy. It was a pleasant surprise,
that the path worked. I used KX3 and AlexLoop during our contact.

73’s and I’m looking forward to another 12m contact with you.
Dan / OK1DIG

In reply to G1INK:
Hi Steve, your great signal on 12m forced me to
connect the microphone to my KX3 for the 3rd time
since more than a year of operation :slight_smile:

73’s Dan / OK1DIG

I managed to work 67 contacts on 12m during the day
including two 12m S2S.

In reply to G1INK:

There was a bit of activity on 12m from G/SP-013 Gun today, although it didn’t last too long. Mostly Europeans with the only bit of DX logged being ZD Ascention Island.

15m was in better shape with 36 contacts logged including a couple of Stateside chasers.

Maybe HF conditions are finally improving?

73 Mike

I was running RRT

You just can’t get the programmers any more ! :slight_smile:


By now I’ve used it on three various devices, gps works different on each. But the similarity is, if gps is on, and the tool is running, and the screensaver was not activate in the meantime, then it takes not longer than 4 or 5 minutes to decide the correct position and reference.

I’m thinking about not to suggest a reference until the position has an specific accuracy. Certainly a workaround is to turn off the summits segment and enter the reference manually.

73 Joerg [Who spent Sunday on RP-158 with VHF, found nothing special, saw some nice HF spots but left the dipole at home.]