G/LD-056 Lord's Seat (Whitbarrow Scar)

After a day on the Lake District Fells yesterday taking in Crinkle Crags and Bowfell we decided on the easier summit of Lord’s Seat G/LD-056 for a walk and some SOTA. I was somewhat surprised that I didn’t activate this summit in 2019, so it was well overdue a return trip.

Lord’s Seat (Whitbarrow Scar)


RIG: Yaesu FT-857D
HF ANT: SOTABeams Quadband Dipole
VHF ANT: Spectrum Communications Slim-G
MAST: SOTABeams compact light-weight 10m mast
PWR: 100w via 2 x Zippy Compact 4S2P 30C Flightmax LifePo4 4200 mAh batteries

Strava Tracking


Our starting location was on the lane just to the South of Witherslack Hall Equestrian Centre. This is the quickest, but sharpest route up, but with a total ascent of around 200 metres it is all over very quickly!

Parking location, on the road at the junction

Ponies pretending to be cows

The approach to the Scar

Ascending through the woods

Native mushrooms

Breaking out of the woods

Obvious, prevailing wind

Clearly a hot day!

FT-857D at the ready

HF and 2m antenna deployed

The FT-857D really does make activating a pleasure with great signal reports and being heard practically first time, every time. There was deep QSB on all of the bands, so sometimes I had to wait for the propagation to come back up again. This rig really comes into its’ own when chasing S2S contacts as can be seen below - with a little patience I was able to complete 12 S2S contacts in a little under two hours!

The air temperature was perfect and Whitbarrow Scar, which is a nature reserve, was really quite stunning. I noted the amazing variety of wild flowers around me as I activated. The views to the rugged fells of the Lake District to the North, the Howgills to the East, and the coastline to the South, are wonderful.

We had a great time on the Scar, and should visit there again soon!


All QSOs

2m Activation

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|13:11|2E0MIX|2m|145.525|FM|IO84fn|England|Derek Edge|
|13:12|G7CDA|2m|145.525|FM|IO83qt|England|Douggie G7CDA|
|13:15|GM4WHA|2m|145.525|FM|JJ00aa|Scotland|GEOFF HARPER|
|13:16|G1JPV|2m|145.525|FM|IO83pg|England|Tony T C.|OP: Tony, QTH: Frodsham|

40m Activation

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|13:23|PA0B|40m|7.140|SSB|JO22hh|Netherlands|Rob Bennink|
|13:24|DG1NPM|40m|7.140|SSB|JO31tc|Germany|Norbert R Patent ( Nobbi )|OP: Nobbie|
|13:25|2E0FEH|40m|7.140|SSB|IO70VJ|England|Karl Kruger|

20m Activation

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|13:36|SP7DRF|20m|14.315|SSB||Poland|OP: Ern|
|13:36|DL2HWI|20m|14.315|SSB|JO61hu|Germany|Dietmar Falkenberg|
|13:37|OH3GZ|20m|14.315|SSB|KP11oq|Finland|JUKKA " Jack " KOVANEN|
|13:37|OE6END|20m|14.315|SSB|JN77pc|Austria|Andreas (endi) Gruebler|
|13:39|AC1Z|20m|14.315|SSB|FN43jj|United States|ROBERT W DANIELS|
|13:40|EA7GV|20m|14.315|SSB|IM87ec|Spain|JOSE L. MENJIBAR|
|13:41|DL1RAC|20m|14.315|SSB|JN58sc|Germany|Rainer Caspari|QTH: Munich|
|13:48|YO3CZW|20m|14.290|SSB|KN34bk|Romania|MITRUT MARIUS|REF: YOFF260|

Special mention here for my longest QSO of the day with Bob @AC1Z who has managed to chase me on several occasions trans-atlantic!

2m SSB Activation

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|13:52|2E0XYL|2m|144.300|SSB|IO83lg|England|Karen Richardson|

80m Activation

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|14:02|M1TES|80m|3.680|SSB|JO02RK|England|James Crawford|
|14:03|G0RQL|80m|3.680|SSB|IO70uv|England|DON ROOMES|
|14:05|GI0AZA|80m|3.680|SSB|IO64MW|Northern Ireland|Esther JM Harper|
|14:10|GW4VPX|80m|3.680|SSB|IO72va|Wales|ALLAN JONES|
|14:11|G4WSB|80m|3.680|SSB|JJ00aa|England|Bill Bowditch|OP: Bill|
|14:11|G4IPB|80m|3.680|SSB|IO84xp|England|PJ HODGKINSON|
|14:12|MM0XPZ|80m|3.680|SSB|JJ00aa|Scotland|SW Groves|OP: Steve|
|14:13|2E0ESY|80m|3.680|SSB|JO02IQ|England|MIKE Clitheroe|QTH: Norfolk|
|14:14|2E0FEH|80m|3.680|SSB|IO70VJ|England|Karl Kruger|
|14:15|GM4WHA|80m|3.680|SSB|JJ00aa|Scotland|GEOFF HARPER|
|14:15|G3TQQ|80m|3.680|SSB|IO94pf|England|J . DAVID ( DAVE ) BOTTOMLEY|
|14:16|M7TPE|80m|3.680|SSB|IO81pv|England|Chris Taylor|OP: Chris, QTH: Ross-on-Wye, PWR: 10w|

S2S List

|14:21|OK/DB7MM|20m|14.313|SSB||Czech Republic|OK/PL-034|


Other Hunt-and-Strike QSOs

|Time|Call|Band|Freq|Mode|Grid|Country|Operator Name|
|14:51|DL5SH|20m|14.202|SSB|JN69cf|Germany|Hubert Suess|OP: Huburt, QTH: 150km N of Munich, RIG: ICOM-7000, PWR: 280w, WX: 32 degC, QSL|

We took a circular route this time (ignore the ‘spike’ in the Strava GPS log, I followed the wrong track for a while) which was a lovely walk but the path on the descent was decidedly nasty in places, maybe not one to try in wet or icy conditions! However, once down at the base of the scar the walk through the woods back to the starting point was lovely and peaceful.

Amazing Flora

Variety of Species

Views to the North

Views to the South

Boulder fields on the descent

The path down not easy footing at all in places!

Don’t overlook this modest summit when you visit the Lakes!
Thank you to all the chasers, and the S2S opportunities fulfilled!


Just a heads up, I picked up 2 ticks last time I activated that hill :spider::spider::spider:

South Cumbria is ‘Tick Central’ according to our local vet when we took our dogs and cats covered with ticks to her just a week after moving to the area 15 months ago. I found one head-down into my belly and another into my leg after walking locally. The cats and dogs have never been bitten again since they’ve been on Bravecto but we human’s aren’t allowed to take it.

I’ve activated Lord’s Seat (Whitbarrow Scar) about 4 times without seeing ticks - and it’s probably no worse than any other hill in the area. An old man told me he got Lyme disease from a tick when walking on the HEMA HuMP Warton Crag (G/HLD-051) [a few miles south of here in north Lancashire] but luckily recovered after early treatment with antibotics.

So, when in tick country, if like me, you like to sit down whilst activating, check your legs once you get up. [Clearly, I’ve not always practiced what I’m preaching] [Or, should I say, twice bitten, thrice shy]

Thanks for the advice. We have seen Adders in the Lakes too recently, so add snakes to your activate carefully list.

I am very fortunate that when activating with Alex, my wife, she seems to attract the entire insect population leaving me worry free :rofl:

Regards, Mark.

I think it’s one of the nicest summits I’ve activated. The views aren’t bad either.


Hi Mark

Thanks for the report and the contact. One of the summits I activated with Paul HB9DST during your Lake District get-together…let’s hope we might all meet up again next year.

73 Allan

Loved the account and all the pictures - especially the one showing the windswept trees. It is the only place that I have snapped 2 pipe joints in less than 5 minutes and we virtually had to crawl off the summit. Luckily I think all the ticks must have been blown elsewhere!
Viki M6BWA

G/LD-056 is 4½ miles across the River Kent estuary from my QTH and part of a lovely view of the Lake District hills we get from our village. Like the other SOTAs, Wainwrights and ++HEMA’s around here, it’s not high up like the central Lakes area but has a lot of charm. I’ve enjoyed activating it hiding behind the cairn from a fierce wind in winter and lazing around picnic-like doing HF CW on a hot day this summer.

++For non-UK folk, HEMA is HuMPs Excluding Marilyns Award - for summits or hilltops that have a prominence between 100m and 150m

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You can tell Viki that Alex does Amateur Dramatics. This is what she looked like in her last production:

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Mary Poppins?

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Nah! Eurovision Song Contest Vikings

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