
Well, to quote the Starks, “Winter is coming”. It was a beautiful crisp clear day for a walk. I think it was about 0C at the car, but with only a hint of the northerly wind :wink:.

It’s a nice 2hour walk up. My first apology is for being an hour ‘late’ on my alerted time. We set off about half an hour later than expected and I then decided to eat my lunch before playing radio. It was chilly at the top. I set up beside the fence so I could erect a shelter which was nice. 10m was quiet so I soon moved onto 20m and was enjoying a nice run of contacts. Unfortunately my wife returned from her wanderings around the summit complaining of extremely cold and painful fingers. So a second apology for those still waiting to work me. I hate finishing whilst there are still chasers, but I’m sure you understand the well-being of my partners on a summit has to come first. (I’m expendable, the points are more important :wink:).

All’s well. Thank you all


Did you do Tarn Crag (Sleddale) G/LD-026 from Sadgill? What was the road like in the icy weather? It’s on my list to do soon.

73 Richard

PS. I like summit names and references in the post to make it easy to get to the summit page.

That’s right Richard. The puddles were frozen all the way up and some parts of the track (as you climb up to the summit heading south) were also completely frozen where water runs down the track. No problems though. In fact the frozen boggy areas were easier than usual. It was a glorious day with good views. I was all set for a leisurely multi-band extravaganza! I gave her some chemical hand-warmer pads, but they were rejected as being useless when they didn’t solve the problem instantly! They were still toastie warm when retrieved from her pack at the car 90 minutes later :slightly_smiling_face:

If the reference is typed in the correct format ASC/RG-nnn then a plugin auto-linkifies the reference.

If you look at the quote from yourself, you can see the ref is now a nice blue link to the summit page. I know you know that Richard, but this for people who weren’t aware.

I wrongly assumed it did the same in a thread title till I stopped and thought about it. If the thread title was auto-linkified to the summit page, you couldn’t click the thread title and get to the thread :confused:

Anyway, it’s proper cold here and the odd flake of snow is falling. No SOTA today… I found a bug in one of our tools and lots of people have been beavering away trying to fix it and making me help them ;-( And I have more of that tomorrow.

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Still working 4.5 hrs later :grin:

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But are you brave enough to demonstrate this fact to her and suggest she was mistaken (not wrong, don’t say wrong with Christmas coming) in dismissing them so quickly? :rofl: