G/LD-005 for sale?

The Telegraph reports that Blencathra in Cumbria is for sale

Asking price £1.75m - for the summit and 2,677 acres.

In reply to M6ADB:

The Telegraph reports that Blencathra in Cumbria is for sale

G/LD-008 rather than 005 I think…

In reply to M0LEP:

G/LD-008 rather than 005 I think…

Mutter, mutter, mutter…

My brain does that to me, too, especially when Morse is involved… :wink:

In reply to M0LEP:

Who’d want to buy it? All you get a piece of rock, lots of ramblers walking all over your land and worse still, loonies operating radios at the top of the hill! :wink:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

Build a car park and tearoom at the base. £5/car at least. £2.25 for a latte. You’d soon get your money back.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Build a car park and tearoom at the base. £5/car at least. £2.25 for
a latte. You’d soon get your money back.

Don’t forget battery rental and a branch outlet of SotaBeams

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G4OIG:

In reply to M0LEP:

Who’d want to buy it?
Lots of room for sheep with their accompanying CAP subsidy…


In reply to M6ADB:

The story about a british aristocrat selling a mountain to cover his tax debt made it into the Austrian news (Don`t ask me why).

It does not mention that it is a SOTA summit.

73 Heinz, OE5EEP

In reply to OE5EEP:

Hugh Grant is negotiating the film rights apparently.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to OE5EEP:

In reply to M6ADB:

The story about a britsh aristocrat selling a mountain to cover his
tax debt made it into the Austrian news (Don`t ask me why).

Well, if there is a market for trading mountains, Austria could do very well :o)
Exporting them could be more of a problem…


In reply to G4AZS:

Well, if there is a market for trading mountains, Austria could do
very well :o)
Exporting them could be more of a problem…

The Germans seem to be getting in on the act too:


Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Time for passing the hat round the SOTA community to raise the funds? Only need about UK 1.25M :0)


Barry GM4TOE

In reply to GM4TOE:

Perhaps you could sell (time) shares in the Sota Sop Barry ???

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:
You need more than 1’25m probably over 2m according the to the local news,if you join over 4000 local people on face book ,this is growing daily??you might be lucky and buy a part, i have placed my pledge for a few feet on the summit with Heather M6UXH

           good luck Colin G4UXH

Surely we could get a good deal on the Activation Zone?

In reply to G3CWI:
This morning on TV I saw that mountain for sale. It was on BBC One in Countryfile. Nice Hill…

Tonnie, PA9CW