G/DC-001. High Willhays with a lift.

Gorgeous day today, activating High Willhays G/DC-001.

I took some video clips (no photos) for the diary. Beautiful, with a tiny bit of snow left over on the west side, approaching the summit.

Lift conditions were good - furthest contact was 186 miles on 2m FM (probably 4.5w into a flowerpot hoisted up a 3m pole). Managed a contact in Guernsey too.

Of course, the best bit is always S2S contacts - thanks Andrew @M1CJE for hiking up GW/SW-010 today.

I had a listen in-between activating, and chasing Andrew - I could hear overseas conversations on the GB7ER frequency… and the classic DMR engine sound on non-DMR repeater frequencies. Quite an interesting day.

11 QSOs and a cracking day out. The winter bonus points do help - I might not have headed in that direction today if it weren’t for the carrot. :+1:


Managed a contact in Guernsey too.

So it is possible to get into Guernsey on 2m fm G/DC! Well done Omar - and also your 186m contact. I haven’t had one that far for a bit. Keep up the good work, Very envious as I stagger round the house sneezing and blowing my nose… M0JLA was very generous with his cold!!
73 Viki M6BWA


Thanks Viki - I can’t take credit for the lift, but lunchtime seems to work well for VHF round here.

Hope you get better before the rains come… plenty of time left for winter bonuses regardless. :crossed_fingers:

M0JLA’s gift will keep on on giving… probably heading my way at some point. :face_with_peeking_eye: Happy to wait until next year - I’m not in a hurry!


I’m tentatively planning to activate G/DC-001 on the 26th for the 145 Alive event. The main issue is the weather which isn’t looking brilliant at the moment. If I do go for it I’m planning on using an HT and a 5 element Yagi.

But 11 QSOs on 2m in G/DC is a significant achievement! The summits down here are a struggle to qualify on that band.

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Thanks for the encouragement John.

I saw the forward planned activation - didn’t realise it for the 145 alive event. With a decent front end, you should get loads of contacts from up there. Really looking forward to reading the report. :ok_hand:

You’re right though - generally G/DC and parts of the G/SC area can be a struggle on VHF - hence getting myself equipped for HF.

Starting the year on VHF only has been good so far, with only one marginal summit (Staple Hill G/SC-004) but I’d already activated Wills Neck that day, so I missed the magic lunch window.

There are some nice chaps that listen on 145.575 in the (?) Dartmouth area. Worth trying if you need a few extra contacts. They rescued my Staple Hill activation - so a big thanks to M7XZZ, G4IUG and M1OOO.