Gorgeous day today, activating High Willhays G/DC-001.
I took some video clips (no photos) for the diary. Beautiful, with a tiny bit of snow left over on the west side, approaching the summit.
Lift conditions were good - furthest contact was 186 miles on 2m FM (probably 4.5w into a flowerpot hoisted up a 3m pole). Managed a contact in Guernsey too.
Of course, the best bit is always S2S contacts - thanks Andrew @M1CJE for hiking up GW/SW-010 today.
I had a listen in-between activating, and chasing Andrew - I could hear overseas conversations on the GB7ER frequency… and the classic DMR engine sound on non-DMR repeater frequencies. Quite an interesting day.
11 QSOs and a cracking day out. The winter bonus points do help - I might not have headed in that direction today if it weren’t for the carrot.
So it is possible to get into Guernsey on 2m fm G/DC! Well done Omar - and also your 186m contact. I haven’t had one that far for a bit. Keep up the good work, Very envious as I stagger round the house sneezing and blowing my nose… M0JLA was very generous with his cold!!
73 Viki M6BWA
I’m tentatively planning to activate G/DC-001 on the 26th for the 145 Alive event. The main issue is the weather which isn’t looking brilliant at the moment. If I do go for it I’m planning on using an HT and a 5 element Yagi.
But 11 QSOs on 2m in G/DC is a significant achievement! The summits down here are a struggle to qualify on that band.
I saw the forward planned activation - didn’t realise it for the 145 alive event. With a decent front end, you should get loads of contacts from up there. Really looking forward to reading the report.
You’re right though - generally G/DC and parts of the G/SC area can be a struggle on VHF - hence getting myself equipped for HF.
Starting the year on VHF only has been good so far, with only one marginal summit (Staple Hill G/SC-004) but I’d already activated Wills Neck that day, so I missed the magic lunch window.
There are some nice chaps that listen on 145.575 in the (?) Dartmouth area. Worth trying if you need a few extra contacts. They rescued my Staple Hill activation - so a big thanks to M7XZZ, G4IUG and M1OOO.