G/CE-003 - Bredon Hill & G/CE-001 - Cleeve Hill

At the weekend(Sunday) I was in Silverstone for a bit of Motorsport Rescue duties. I headed down Saturday morning at 7am and headed for G/CE-003 - Bredon Hill
I aimed for the village of Kemerton and parked up in the lane at the base of the hill.
A quick brew and kit check and off I went. 30mins later at the top of the hill with some good views

Started off on 2m VHF - 10 contacts and 3 S2S (G4GSB/G4TCU & 2W0BIA)
The a quick change to HF just as some white stuff started falling and worked F4IVI on F/CR-042 on 14mhz

Bredon Hill

10m EFHW

Packed up and a quick walk back down the hill to the car for a brew and some grub.

Sat nav set to Cleeve Hill
Arrived at Cleeve Hill and a 5 min walk later I am at the trig point with some art work?

I got setup over by the small clump of bushes and used them as a sort of wind break.
Spotted and called CQ. 5 contacts ON 2M VHF

Calling CQ a few more times and no more contacts so I packed up and had a drive over to Silverstone.

That leaves me with Bardon Hill and Wendover Woods to activate to give me G/CE as a completed region.



That is very similar to the art work on G/NP-022 Calf Top’s trig point. I wonder how many other trigs are like this.

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Thanks for the photos and report, John. Seeing photos of summits I’ve activated always helps to bring back memories of SOTA trips. I really enjoyed the walk up to the top of Bredon Hill. It’s a lovely spot.

Hope you had fun at Silverstone too and 73,

Matthew M0JSB


Thanks Matthew. It was a nice walk with some good views.
Silverstone was good, no jobs requiring rescue attendance apart from one marshal which was dealt with via their own first aid.
The wind was cold when the sun went behind clouds.
