G/CE-002 - Walton Hill

Radio: Ft-857
Antenna:2m Ladder line on a 6m fishing pole
Battery: Zippy 4200mha
Satnav apps: Waze to get me to the area and Apline Quest set with the grid ref just in case.

Over the weekend I was doing some Motorsport Rescue work at Silverstone race circuit(24th Oct) and as I as overnigthing in a hotel, I decided to leave early on the Satuday and active Walton Hill.
Departed from my QTH around 10am and popped into Tesco to see the wife and let her know I was departing early as the weather looked good. Topped up fuel and hit the motorways with the sat nav set for Walton Hill.

Arrived at Walton Hill and parked here

Just under the tree

Gathered my bits and bobs, changed footwear and set off (I did lock the car)
Used the gate to the left

Follow the path up the hill and around to the right and continue past the hut

There is a gate further up, through this and at the top around to the left and keep going.
Eventually you get to the summit. Took me around 10mins

View from the summit

Made 12 contacts all on 2m FM including one S2S
All contacts logged,

Thanks to all the chasers and S2S contact

Question: Do I need to log S2S in the activator log as well as Chaser/S2S log?
Cheers John





I tried to add in the S2S in the activator log and got
An error occurred while uploading your activation: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint ‘IX_Activations_1’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.Activations’. The duplicate key value is (8543, Oct 23 2021 12:00AM, 1260). [20018] (severity 14) [INSERT INTO Activations(UserID, OwnCallsign, SummitID, ActivationDate, Points, BonusPoints) VALUES (8543, ‘M0VAZ/P’, 1260, ‘23/Oct/2021 00:00’, 0, 0)]

Looks like a duplicate but unable to see the duplicate in the activator log.

Nope. The activation log you are trying to submit is a duplicate of the log you have submitted. You can only activate a summit once per day. If you try to submit another log for the same summit you get told that error.

You have various choices but in essence you have to delete the activation currently submitted and resubmit. If you submitted the activation using a CSV/ADIF file, then use the Manage Uploads option to delete everything in the file you submitted, edit the file and resubmit. If you entered it manually, download a CSV file of the activation, then delete the activation. Edit the CSV and add in the missing QSO in the correct place and upload the CSV. It normally takes longer to explain that to perform the actions.

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Thanks Andy - all sorted. Export log/edit/upload :slight_smile:

That’s good. Some people find the thought of deleting what they entered as a bit intimidating at first but to be honest, it’s all fairly straightforward. Of course, once you have done it once it gets easier till you you just don’t think about it any more.

S2S is considered a special kind of chasing. It’s why you enter the S2S separately to entering activation data.


It took me a while to work that out too. If you upload .csv you can include the S2S info there and it automatically feeds through.

I added the S2S entry in the
Submit logs > Submit chaser/S2S Entry first
Then did the Submit logs > Submit Activator Entry, added the each station I worked and then thought should I have added the S2S in the same log.
From Andy’s info, I then downloaded the Activator Entries, deleted and added in the missing S2S in the CSV file and re-uploaded.

