Fun on Saddle Peak W6/CT-274

Conditions om 10 meters to Europe were excellent this morning from Saddle Peak, W6/CT-274.
Thirty QSOs were made on CW and SSB. Christian, F4WBN, was first in the log. Aleksander, S57S, was 59 on both CW and SSB. Alfredo, EC8ADS, provided my one African QSO.
I was running my KX3 at 5 watts to a 1/2 wave doublet for 10 meters. The antenna is made from a single length of M27500-24SN2U23 jacketed twisted pair.
It was a chilly day for Southern California, what most of you would call balmy. The sun was out, the wind mild unlike several days last week when the winds were strong.
I missed the 45 minutes after sunrise hiking to the summit and fiddling with two antennas instead of only the 10 meter wire, which is just visible above the tree in the photo.
The views from Saddle Peak are tremendous! My car is parked at the road X. Those are the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains in the background, I believe. To the left is Calabasas Peak, W6/CT-214, my second summit for the day. Notice the near vertical strata, a true geology visual.
Thanks for a wonderful SOTA radio day! 72, David N6AN


Hey Dave,
That’s a pretty good day’s work! But one thing is missing: The little purple
line from DM04 to CM97 !

Hey, John.
I have worked some CA stations on 10. Scatter is tough with QRP, but worth a try. Call me! ;o)
72, David N6AN

Hey, David! - right in my neighbourhood! Thanks for posting this. Looks like a fun day.

Curious thing about those sedimentary strata on Calabasas Peak is that they are interspersed with igneous layers. There are also a lot of fossils in those sedimentary bands.

Here is an example of the igneous and sedimentary interspersion on the hike up to Calabasas Peak:

Here are some views of the fossils in those strata:

Lastly I was up on Saddle Peak one day and these guys showed up:

73 Eric KG6MZS

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When I can hear you, I call you. The high bands are tough. I run enough power
that you can probably hear me, though. I’ve been trying 10 and 15 in the mornings
for European activators, some days I can hear them.


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