FT8 on 60m for UK operators

Noticed this thread pop up and got inspired to do a 60m FT8 session from home this evening. Not managed to catch the “DX of the moment” - TY0RU (Benin) yet, but did work a certain @G4OBK !

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As you noticed, the Russian DXpedition in Benin, TY0RU was on an off the 60m band last night working MSHV and transmitting 4 streams of FT8 around 600-800 HZ. I was also unsuccessful in attracting his attention. I think I spent about half an hour trying and noticed the famous @M1EYP callsign standing out. Thanks for the QSO!

73 Phil G4OBK


You probably saw the anger directed at me for calling on top of one of those streams Phil!

I was calling CQ and suddenly my screen went VERY red! Fantastic - huge pile up - was my initial reaction. But then I read the text - “M1EYP PSEQSY”, “QSYQSY”, “DX PSEQSY”, “M1EYP IDIOT” etc…!

Obviously my spot appeared to me to be a clear frequency, with nothing indicated on the waterfall or activity window (or my ears!!) - but obviously I did indeed immediately QSY. And then there was G4OBK, second station worked IIRC.

I did worry that my second choice of “clear frequency” might also have a stream of TY0RU that I couldn’t RX - but there was no further abuse, so I assume it was OK!

I’ve not managed to work TY0RU yet either…


Finally managed to nail TY0RU just now on 10m :slight_smile:


Virtually no pileup on 12m just now for TY0RU - got through on first call with 50w to my 40m EFHW!

Had to resort to rig CW memories as my CW isn’t that fast yet :grinning: