FT8 DX S2S Event Saturday 2nd February 2019

I, and several VK stations, will be attempting to work some DX S2S contacts on Saturday 2nd February 2019, in the time period 0700-1000z.

We invite any interested parties who are (or will be) portable-FT8-ready, to join us - 14.092MHz is the suggested frequency.

We have a group chat running for anyone interested - so if you are, let us know on this thread and we’ll add you to the PM group.



I would be interested as a chaser if that’s OK?


Yes, of course!

It would help Chasers if the several VK stations taking part in this trial would let us know their callsigns. The 30m band could well be as successful as 20m I would have thought.

73 Phil

I am interested.
I have found JT65/FT8 on 20m ito be the moste relieable way to actvate TF summits. Most have been done using Yaesu FT-857 and 5 or 10 Watts but I am now learning to use KX2 that I aquired recently.


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VK2HRX, VK1MIC and up to 18 others who will be on the summits in VK3 at that time.

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Sounds Like fun better find a drive up summit so I don’t need to hike a long way to cart all the extra gear. I have a question for the group. I use ic7200 for digital modes and when Wade vk1mic was on sota on the weekend he chose the .092 freq and differing from the software choice of working frequency. I set up ready to listen for him but because I had qsy with the vfo on my rig the software would not see the radio because I had changed frequency. Not sure what I could do to stop that happening. If anyone knows a remedy apart from dumb Op error let me know so I can have some practice / on the job training.
Ian vk5cz …

Hi Ian,

Great that you will be joining us to try for FT8 S2S DX QSOs.

To answer your question - well I don’t know to be honest, but try turning off CAT control in your software and see if it allows it then.

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3 alerts on for next Saturday morning so far - for 20m FT8. Hopefully there will be more. I’m pretty sure there are more VK stations aiming to do FT8 that haven’t alerted yet for the 0700-1000 session. Also it would be good to get more EU stations involved, and JA too.

30m is out for all but advanced VK Licence holders. 20/15 are all that I would even look at for me.

VK1MIC. Would be cool to see a number of activators at once making contacts. Not sure how we (@VK2HRX) will manage on the same bands and same summits. Maybe 15min off and on etc. or work summit to summits first until activated then just play


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I am planning on being on VK3/VE-030, so not Hotham for the DX and to also get @VK1MIC in the log on 23cm FT8. Maybe others join me there to split the group up a little? I plan to wander over to Hotham after I have Tom @M1EYP et al in the log.

I forgot, 40m may work as well, but I’ll try 20m as the primary band.

Thanks Tom got me thinking out side the box. In software settings set Radio to Fake It
Advanced settings tick Special Operating Activity then tick Hound .
Did that then I was able to qsy my vfo and the ic 7200 would tx on new frequency. Hope this helps any chasers who may like to join in .
Think I am go for Saturday if land owner will let me qrv on his dry dusty paddock.
Ian vk5cz …


Great Ian. Please alert when you can!

Hi Ian
The solution to your frequency setting is

  1. Click on the “FILE” menu
  2. Click “settings”
  3. Select the “Frequencies” tab
  4. Right click anywhere in the table containing the frequencies
  5. Select “Insert”
  6. Set IARU region to “ALL”
  7. Set Mode to “FT8”
  8. Enter frequency “14.092”
  9. Click “OK”

Your all done. The new frequency will now appear in the drop down frequency list on the main screen. DO NOT select “Special Operating Activity” and “Hound”. The DX Mode using Fox and Hound is reserved for DX stations operating on a dedicated frequency and transmitting multiple streams. When transmitting those multiple streams each signal is reduce since the power is shared between multiple signals. This normally dictates using an amp for the DX station. There are also restrictions on which frequencies they will respond to and the DX station will also move your transmit frequency to complete the contact. The sequencing of the messaging is also different. More info can be found here. https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/FT8_DXpedition_Mode.pdf

If any of you are going to be activating earlier in the day (2200 - 0100) I may consider activating a summit here i Arizona.

73 Burke


Hi Tom.

I am very interested in the event. I will join either as a chaser or an activator. See you on the air.



Thanks Burke I will give that a try. The way I worked out was sort of ok but then i could not use all the self enter boxes to send details etc. I made no qso to test how it would work just run the system into my rig in a dumby load and the sound card issue went away second try.
Thanks again for the help. Oh forgot I assume the reason to activate later in our afternoon is to try to get some long path propagation going to EU/VK and that is usually our best time of day.
Ian vk5cz …

Hi Ian, I am remote into my 20m FT8 rig now. I can qsy if you want to test??


Sitting on RX 14.092 now.

Hi Burke,

I am not sure of timings at present, but I will be out on a summit around 2300-0100 Saturday and will likely have FT8 available. I just need to double check the rig & laptop this afternoon. Likely to be aiming to get to at least 3 summits during Saturday before probably joining most on Mt Hotham summit for late afternoon nibbles & possible DX contacts, especially to EU. I will post Alerts, but possibly not until Friday evening local time.

Also likely to be out on summits on Sunday morning local time (late Saturday for you).

The weekend can get a little hectic, with 17 amateurs participating directly as Activators, split into several parties. Of course, most will try to work the other groups for S2S contacts in addition to working other chasers.


Peter VK3PF