FT8 activators

Too right Fraser I think those who say the computer doing the work and other disparaging remarks about using FT8 or JS8 in the field have never tried it for them selves. Plugging in a CW key and calling CQ is so much easier in a practical sense as long as you get an answer of course. Its very hard to see the screen out side and if you are on qrp and the whole pass band is chock o block with signals bet you get swamped every time. This was my reason for using JS8call instead because the pass band in never full of signals and its easier to make contacts because those interested in chasing you can see you normally. Both modes propagate very nicely and I’d even go as far to say the Slowest mode of transmission on JS8 is like “WSPR with words” its amazing how well it gets the job done. Bit slow but I got all day and want the contact just like slowing down the CW speed so your Chaser can copy or are electronic keyers dodgy too. As for pinching beacons on js8 its a grey area to call it a QSO, but it is an exchange of callsign and snr report all the same. Bit like scoring the CW ident on a distant repeater, that’s tongue in cheek by the way any Nay Sayers. Move with the times I say pointless waiting with the spark gap set up on 630 khz there’s no one there chasing SOTA ops.
Keep up the good work.
Ian vk5cz …


Its getting way easier with new Android apps and dedicated trx like Qrplabs QDX or TrUsdx.


Hello Rick
If it is very difficult to work CW or phonia in 5 W, imagine RTTY.
An old Radio Amateur said that to do RTTY you need 500w.
Of course this is relative, but it’s a long mode and will consume all your battery and won’t make it to the corner.



Guaranteed. Without fail!


For sure! I’ve used the Android App a couple of times with my FT-891. Next experiment is to try an activation with the (tr)uSDX and the Android App. Would make for a light pack.


Hello Fraser,
You need to work in bands that allow South Americans to work with you.

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Here is my portable setup now

One USB cable does it all. But I now need my glasses to read the tiny laptop (palmtop maybe).

Matt -VK2DAG-


… and a very small and light antenna is always enough to make QSO with QRP in FT8 …

Bruno, F6HHK.

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Just got back from an activation using the (tr)uSDX along with the “FT8 Radio” app which was a success. More info at my activation report. Thanks.

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