Four of easy four in Bergamo

For us activators in I/LO a classic winter day program consist in activate the triptych of Selvino, three easy close together. I wanted to add another easy summit at this tour. I choose Mt Cavlera I/LO-243, not so far from Selvino abt 25km by car. I reached it at 7:00 and i installed a type of doublet antenna that consist in : guanella balun 1:1, 10mt feedline with twisted wire from ethernet and abt 15mt of tiny wire for leg. In the last summer, during the joint activations with David @N6AN ; I saw him dealing very well with this setup. He ranged over effortlessly from low bands to high bands

After a little shot of atu I started to call in 60mt, @IK2LEY was the first qso. I made also a qso in 80 cw with @IK6BAK , with a nice report. In the last I called in 40 ssb. i moved to Selvino and I activate the mt Podona I/LO-250 also here with the same antenna;

my willing was to test it on all four summits. I started at low bands and I tried also the higher bands. The next step was reach mt Corna bianca I/LO-252, maybe on this summit i spend a few time rispect the others. I worked on 60-40-20-15.

I moved to the last summit of the day, Mt Poieto I/LO-234. I installed the antenna about 10 meter down from the top for use the slop side like a reflector to North America. a teaching of Guru EA2IF.

on this summit I focused to high bands 15-12-10 in reserch of dx, five in the log.
Thanks at all chasers!
In conclusion this antenna setup passed with full marks!