Flowerpot antenna U.K. dimensions

You’re absolutely right, blame the light autism :slight_smile:

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VK1AD Andrew your 6 meter flowerpot antenna design worked amazingly well for me during this September ARRL VHF contest. I was in Northern NJ and working stations in CT, NY, NJ, PA, and DE. Now I’m having a rough time trying to scale up the dimensions of the 6m to 10m and make a decent choke at the base, everytime I touch or move this monster the swr goes from 2:1 to way higher. In December there is a 10m contest and I’d love to contest in the Psycho Sota Portable category, and ideas for turns/diameter of a 10m choke similar to your rockstar 6m design?

Dave K2CZH

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Hi Dave,
I have just done a test using my MFJ aerial analyser set on the resonance setting, and a 1 turn coupling loop.
Resonance was obtained for a coil with 14T close-wound on a 60mm dia. former at 28.3MHz using RJ58 coaxial cable. This is a starting point only.
