
Hi all
Lesson learned today was once you enter where you want to go in your satnav check if there any other summits with the same name hi hi.
I was going to FL/VO-001 Le Grand Ballon, I ended up on Ballon d’Alsace. I just zoomed into the area on my satnav as when I entered the details the satnav said no lol.
When we arrived I said this is not the correct place it looks different to google maps images? My wife (Michelle) said why not activate it anyway, thumbs up-to her.
I managed 20 qso’s so was worth it. I did see that F/SP6SUD/P was also spotting on the same summit, my next qso was G4OBK (Phil) and he said the same thing? I could not see anyone else and asked Michelle to take a walk around. She returned shortly with Romain and his family following not far behind. It was nice to meet him and his family and we had a short chat.

Just a quick message to M0CQE (Paul) I did hear you and gave a 5/3 but I think I lost you.

plan to activate FL/OV-001 & 078 tomorrow but the weather doesn’t look great

73 for now


It was great to meet you Paul yesterday. I keep my activations short and often don’t take the time to check other spots; I didn’t realize you were there.

My family saw you first and they were very excited saying that there’s this „other guy doing SOTA” :sweat_smile:.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!


Thank you Romain, I just told Michelle she has a photo on the reflector and she said how? Hi hi we have traveled to Thann so not far from FL/VO-001 so we will be traveling there soon.


In the Vosges, amateur radio tourism will soon match cycle tourism…


73 Armin


Hello Paul. Thanks for the report of your activation of FL/VO-005. Radio conditions were very poor yesterday, on every band. Deep QSB on 20Mtr. I heard you several times for short periods. I did receive my report from you and tried several times to send yours. Fading was very bad here, I hope that I didn’t mess up any QSO’s. Hope to hear you again soon. Best wishes to You and Michelle. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

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Or Paragliding! The camp site at Urbes was mostly paraglider pilots.

Sky was often full of them. I would guess that collision avoidance would need some care!

Petit Drumont take off spot taken from the walk to Tête de Fellering FL/VO-008

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I have no idea how it is today… but it used to be the destination for many paragliding schools… I got my license there in 1991 (when paragliders really started to fly and not just descend)
Also, there was at least one paragliding company there. which did its development and test flights there.
Compared to the 90s…not much going on today.

I flew actively (route, there and back, triangle,…) until 1999 - when my son was born. Paragliding is not really family compatible. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

73 Armin