
Hi guys
I made a mistake this morning during my activation of FL/NO-133, I spotted myself as FL/M0PLA/P and was informed it should have just been F/M0PLA/P I am really sorry if it was wrong please accept my apologies.
3 summits completed today with a few S2S, I will write a report at the end but thank you for all of the chasers today.
Tomorrow will be FL/VO-078 followed by FL/CO-001 and I will spot as F/M0PLA/P. These summits are just over 4 hours from my present location so maybe between 2-3 pm local time.
73 for now


I reckon Paul had a hard day! for FL/CO-001 read FL/VO-001. All the best Paul

73 Phil


Hi Phil
I didn’t even see that but thank you yes you are correct FL/VO-001


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It’s surprisingly easy to make this mistake Paul when the CEPT prefix and the SOTA association code do not match. Typically it happens in France (F <> FL), Switzerland (HB9 <> HB ), Madeira (CT3 <> CT9) but there will be other places. I’ve done in myself once in Switzerland.

It’s good you have posted this as it will act to remind others not to do the same. Nowadays I write the summit ref and my call on the top of each log sheet to remind me what to send (and which memory to send when using CW) especially as so far this year I’ve been MM0FMF, MSOTA, M0FMF, MR0FMF, MW0FMF never mind some overseas operations. Without the reminder on the log page, I automatically start sending MM0FMF as that is burnt in to my memory!


I use the SOTA Goat app to spot myself… of course the last callsign entered is saved.

Since I’m traveling here in the border triangle D / F / HB9, it also happens to me again and again that I spot a wrong call sign… but as long as I know where I am, everything is fine!

73 Armin


I’ll try and catch you on FL/VO-001 as I activated it in September 2022. Take elbow pads as I suspect it might be very busy if the weather is good. I found a quiet spot away from most folk on the north side. The photo below is looking up from my activation point. You can see the white radome in the distance and the memorial in front of it.