Firstactivation HB/UR-059 and more

Yesterday and last sunday Carine and i have activated a few summits more. One of them was a firstactivation: HB/UR-059.
On our YouTube-Channel you can find some impressions :grinning: :grinning:

Thanks for the QSO’s and vy 73’s de René, HB9NBG + 73/88’s de Carine, HB9FZC

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Thanks again to you both Carine & Rene for the new activation and video.
When you activate a new summit we get to work it 2 times.88/73 Don G0RQL.

Hi Don

Thanks very much to you for coming back to all of our CQs :grinning: :grinning:
On the HB/UR-056 we had first a Problem with the tuning of the Dipol on 20m. As we could not hear you on 40m, we’ve used the MFJ-1820T; the signals were not so strong as with the dipol-solution, but it had at least worked…

Now it’s workday and so we don’t have the possibility to activate some summits more unfortunately :wink:

But we look forward to the next sunny weekend :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Many thanks again and have a nice evening :blush:

vy 73’s de René, HB9NBG + 73/88’s de Carine, HB9FZC