yesterday I activated Schöckl oe/st-248 the last time this year. It was the 7 th activation of this summit in 7 weeks. Before radioing I walked up 1430 vertical meters, and 50 vm afterwards on the way back home. The training is paying off, my endurance has increased a bit.
2 s2s were done and 2 local qso. 14:00 lt is a bit late, even on a sunny saturday. While walking up and down the mountain before the activation I could chase some summits. Thanks to the yl and the oms. Playing radio while walking causes a little delay but that is ok. On the summit I met a group of 5 sotaists and we had a short but interesting talk. Congratulations to Arnold and Stefan, who achieved their Mountain Goats on this day. See also here.
hny 73, Johannes