the next step in my recovery was a hike with two activations, Pleschkogel and Heiggerkogel. They are almost drive on summits, but I began my walk from the foot of the hills at the bus stop in Rein.
When I started at 7:30 lt it was dark and cold, several centigrades below zero. After a while I looked back and could see the dawning risig over distant hills.
After half an hour walking, my feet told me they deserve a second breakfast, the first one at home, taken in a hurry was not sufficient. Ok, they deserved it.
Strength came back, at least a little of it and I found my way.
I followed the narrow valley, rather a dark trench, but soon a promising light appeared.
My spirits raised and soon I stood in bright sunshine. Temperature jumped up a few degrees so I put my gloves away.
This plant lets hang down its leafs. As a protection against freezing the water content is reduced.
The way from Rein up to the hills is ascending moderately. The forest track is quite convenient.
Several years ago a storm hit some forests here. This slope was not reforested properly and the damage goes on.
On the ridge the landscape is lovely again.
I turned to the left to visit Pleschkogel first.
Soon I could see over the main valley to my home exercise track Schöckl. It looks different from this perspective.
My destination Pleschkogel oe/st-285 was reached a little early but the watchful chasers found me. In the fun of the activation I forgot to take a photo. So I have just the log as souvenir.
Having planned a second activation I had to move on. Before Heiggerkogel there is the Heigger-Bergkreuz.
From there it is not too far to the summit and my second activation of the day, oe/st-477.
Together 12 qso were done, including one s2s. Thanks to all. Due to my bad planning I missed the s2s to Zirbitzkogel, sorry Klaus.
Walking down I felt a little fatigued, I am not yet fully fit. But it is getting better and I am happy beeing on the path again. At least 792 meters difference in elevation upwards and 19.7 km walking distance were achived.
In the afternoon the plant I passed by in the morning stretched its leafs out.
cu, hear u 73, Johannes