First VHF and HF activations done and planning more


tuesday was Schöckl-day. 4 qso on 2m with local stations. Thank you! Winter bonus earned :slight_smile: . The vertical dipole (flowerpot style) worked well.

Some views showed snow and of course there is much fog below.

Walked 23 km includig the way down again and 1300 sum of vertical meters up.

73, Johannes


Thats the antenna used on Schöckl recently:

The end of the inner conductor and the end of the braid are doubly protected. First self adhesive insulating tape is used and heatshrink over it. So its watertight and mechanically resilient. A cover over the coil will follow after some measurements. My ft-817 didnt indicate any standing waves and signals are perfect. Finding an appropriate tree for hoisting the antenna up is not always easy, so Im preparing a mast now.

A slim inner tubing of a (racing) bike had the right diameter. Its pulled over the mast and folded back over a ring of wire. The guys press the rubber against the mast and no slipping is possible. Next saturday the contraption will be tested.

Yesterday the activation of a small hill of about 300 v m up from the bus stop Dürrgrabenweg was done. oe/st-424 (Gipfel östlich von) Lineckberg is a really nice destination for little walk.

Just a little snow.

And a very warm and dry spot for resting and radioing.

Three qso with local stations and 4 s2s connections. Thanks to all.

73, Johannes


Hello again,

this week I hat to wait till yesterday for good weather to do my walk. My start from the bus station was in full darkness, the air was moist and I could feel the fog blanket above. Soon I entered the fog and repeatedly I told myself, there will be bright sunshine above it. Just some vertical meters to go.

And there it was:

The same old path up looks different to me, every time Im there.

On the slippery path snow spikes are even more important the the poles.

At the saddle I was reluctant to follow my plan, which meant to leave the warm sunshine and dive into the shadows of the mountains north side. But I did it to have a different way to go. So I went 250 vertical meters down and via another path up again. Most of it was convenient.

Even this spot was not so bad, as it looked on first sight.

Up at the saddle again, I could walk in the sun again.

The view from the summit was overwhelming once more.

And a close look on the now snow coverd summits around rewarded my efforts.

In addition to this I rewarded myself by playing radio. Four stations answerd my call and qso were done to Graz, Feldbach and Gamlitz. Thanks to the OMs. I dont mind, that activating the same summit this year again and again doesnt add points to my account. But I appreciate the contacts a lot.

After walking 1350 vertical meters up and the same down again I caught my bus shortly after the daylight was gone.

73, Johannes


The next walk was a short one. I still felt the fatigue from the one before, but 250 vm up were ok. Another Buchkogel, oe/st-311 was activated this time.4 s2s and 2 local qso. Many thanks to the OM.

73, Johannes

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today I didnt feel quite fit. So I decided to visit the hill next to my home, Fürstenstand, oe/st-299. Just to keep moving. The ascent was 400 vm only. And after 200 vm I began to feel better. It seems to be true. Sports ist the best medicine. But it has to be dosed carefully, it can have adverse side effects. :slight_smile:

On summit there is a lookout tower, which can be used to screen off the radio services working here.

It was a good opportunity to use my antenna mast for the first time.It is not much material to be installed:

And this was done in no time:

The slipable knots are very convenient. I am satisfied with the chosen setup.

The flight deck ist quite handy too:

Five really nice qso were done. Thanks to the YL and the OMs. The weather was overcast, but calm, in a sense pleasant.

One of my next steps will be to reactivate my homebrew antenna matching unit for hf. Some time ago I used center fed dipoles and I am not sure wether It works for the EFHW without modification. I will see.

73, Johannes



yesterday we had bright clear weather so I tried a high ascent again. I felt better than two days before, but I was not quite sure how much ascent I should plan. 150 vm lower to the summit there is a saddle where I can decide to go straight up and do 1000 vm or go the north side down to “Schöckl Nordlift Talstation” an abandoned ski chair lift. The latter would lead to 1250 vm ascents. Arriving at this point I felt strong enough and took the additional round course. Another, smaller additional lap I omitted. But I was still slower than usually. Thats ok.

On my way back up I chased three stations to contribute to this part of sota too.

45 minutes prior to ETA I alerted and on summit I could do 7 qso including one s2s. The sotaists were quite busy. Thanks to all. On a relatively high summit on saturday in bright clear weather there is a lot of radio traffic to be heard.

On my way down I felt more tired than normal. Ok there are those days. Just keep moving, go easy but go on.

Daylight was gone before I arrived at the valley. The torchlight is one of the things I carry with me even when I think I do not need them.

All together 1300 vertical meters upwards were done.

cu hear u 73, Johannes



yesterday I had to do a smaller hill again and I chose to activate Hohe Rannach. The leeside ascent from Fuss der Leber was warm and calm but on the top I felt some wind chill. I managed to start the activation according to my alert and I called cq just once. Holyday after lunch seems to be a good moment. In seven minutes six qso were done. dx qth were northern slovenia, southern styria and up to Graz just below my position. Thanks to the chaser comunity!

As always I selected a route which does not put too much load on my old and damaged knee joint. As it is a real pleasant round walk, I show it here for the locals. It is 586 vm up and 13.4 km distance.

My best wishes to you all and have recreative holydays,
73, Johannes


yesterday I activated Schöckl oe/st-248 the last time this year. It was the 7 th activation of this summit in 7 weeks. Before radioing I walked up 1430 vertical meters, and 50 vm afterwards on the way back home. The training is paying off, my endurance has increased a bit.

2 s2s were done and 2 local qso. 14:00 lt is a bit late, even on a sunny saturday. While walking up and down the mountain before the activation I could chase some summits. Thanks to the yl and the oms. Playing radio while walking causes a little delay but that is ok. On the summit I met a group of 5 sotaists and we had a short but interesting talk. Congratulations to Arnold and Stefan, who achieved their Mountain Goats on this day. See also here.

hny 73, Johannes



now I am considering the next steps. Anyway I have planned to continue my extensive walks once the week. But in between there are the shorter activation hikes where I have more time available and where I am not so exhausted. On these occasions I want to start operating HF radio again. The equipment is far from being ideal for sota, but it worked well some years ago. It was not designed for sota but for experimental exporation.Less weight will be nice now. But I start using the station again just as it is, and I will change things when I had more time to contemplate about the variants and when I have sota experience with the HF gear. A redesign with sota in mind will be easy. No functionality and no quality have to be abandoned. It has just to be adapted to the new requirements: less weight and smaller variability.

Today I got it out of the cabinet and started testing with the dummy load. It was ok from 7 to 14 Mhz, which is the tuning range I want to use.

There is an LC matching unit in L topology. It works fine with center fed dipoles between the trees available on the lower hills here up to approximately 1700 m asl. The addaption to off center fed antennas on one mast is a minor one. A tuneable common mode block (Potter trap) is included.

The ft-817 has a VSWR indicator included, but this is a coarse thng. To have a more sensible indication, I can use the homemade VSWR bridge shown above too.

73, Johannes

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Would really recommend a multiband tuned antenna. Then you can dispense with half of that kit! An endfed 40m halfwave would give you 40,20,15 and 10m and probably 17m too. Easy to make at very little cost.

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Fair enough - you are the one carrying it! There’s always a compromise to be made between RF performance and weight/convenience: the correct position on that scale will be different for all of our use cases.


sorry, no comment to offtopic

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Today, saturday I carried this experimental HF gear 400 vm up to Fürstenstand oe/st-299. There I had 8 vhf contacts to stations in two countries and 5 qso on 7 Mhz to 5 countries. Thanks to the yl and the oms. The latter band was rather full, it was difficult to find a quiet frequency without splatter. I hope on workdays it will be easier. Hf is another kind of fun compared to vhf. I like both.

I began my experiments with a V dipole (not inverted). This variant I will probably keep as an option for activating densly forrested hills without carrying a mast.

73, Johannes

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two days later I visited the next of the hills, oe/st-381 Steinkogel. Calling cq on vhf once and doing 5 qso in 5 minutes was a good start. Thanks to the om. But on hf I faced new issues. I am used to throw the wires into trees from a meadow, which is quite easy, but there was no meadow. There was sparse high forrest. Super, so many masts up here I thought. Yes they were there, and undergrowth including plenty of bramblebush too. It was not as easy as usual to move around with the wires. Havin a pruning shear with me was a good thing. BTW this tool is very useful on less frequently used paths. Anyway I had to streamline the handling of the lines and wires. A useful lesson learned.

Trying to find an free frequency on 7 Mhz on a holiday was the next issue. When I found one, it was not free any more and used by a strong station before I had finished writing a slf spot on the phone. I could not manage calling and self spotting at the same time. Before I found a new free spot on the band the server software timed out.

A north Italian sota station could not hear me anwering. And my calling cq without spotting was not answered.

All together I had a nice walk, weather was better than the forecast. Vhf worked perfectly and some needed information gathered. WIth hindsight I found some solutions too.

I changed my procedure to coil the lines and wires and to hoist the antenna up the tree. A cq parrot ist ordered. In the future I will have the hf equipment established before doing vhf. So we can change to hf quickly and I will have well audible qso partners there. And I do not need to spot me by myself.

Another thing is, I consider purchasing an antenna analyser. It is not really necessary as all the measurements can be done in old school manner, but they can be done easyer and quicker in the field using an instrument with direct display of the impedance values.

73 and always come back down your hills and mountains safely,

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today the next of the lower hills around here had to be visited. Early in the morning some rain fell, and when I left home it was mostly overcast. From bus station Friesach Friesacherstrasse I started to walk about 300 vm up to Eggenberg oe/st-484. The ascent provided some nice views.

Stübing with Stübing Castle at the left side:

A quarry in the Rötschgraben:

The forrestry road led conveniently to the summit. There is even a cross and a bench.

Sun was shining now. Just on time I called cq on vhf and got the answers promptly. The chaser community is great! Many thanks to them!

On descent there was aonother kind of view visible.

The vapors from the huge paper mill in Gratkorn looked strange and impressive in the bright sunshine.

Walking down was easy and I caught my bus back to Graz at station Thomahan. There is plenty public transport available.

73, Johannes


Hello everyone,

the next one was a longer hike again. Sunny weather was predicted for saturday. That had to be utilized. This day I activated the summit when I arrived Schöckl oe/st-248 for the first time. It was sunny indeed, but temperature was 8 centigrade below zero and the wind gusts reached 40 km/h. A sunny leeside spot was optimum for playing radio. 11 qso to two countries could be done, Many thanks to the yl and the om. The hills were busy so 4 s2s connections ware also done.

The photo shows a snow storm rather near in the north-west. Thats a typical situation.It can come over or it can stay there. It is better to look out continously.

After radioing I completed my training so I reached a sum of ascents up of 1520 vertical meters. Walking down finally, I was tired and satisfied dreaming of the summer to come.

This picture of the evening atmosphere in the south shows storm clouds with a flat bottom, which is a sign of stable weather for the next hours.

73, Johannes


Hello everyone,

a bronchitis knocked me off the track. I was ill for two weeks and another week I struggled in reconvalescece. But now I am gettig my feet back on the ground. The day before yesterday I managed to go 200 meters elevation difference up and today I achived 400 vertical meters up on foot and I could activate Fürstenstand again, oe/st-299. What a pleasure, when things develop back to normality even when it is going on slowly.

Three s2s contacts with different summits were done, one qso with a mobile station on his way to another summit, and one qso with a chaser at his home station. Really nice to hear the acquaintances again. Thanks for the qso.

In the next weeks I have to regain my former level of strength, power and endurance by gymnastics, strength training and walking. The good thing is, I enjoy doing it.

gl es 73, Johannes



the next step in my recovery was a hike with two activations, Pleschkogel and Heiggerkogel. They are almost drive on summits, but I began my walk from the foot of the hills at the bus stop in Rein.

When I started at 7:30 lt it was dark and cold, several centigrades below zero. After a while I looked back and could see the dawning risig over distant hills.

After half an hour walking, my feet told me they deserve a second breakfast, the first one at home, taken in a hurry was not sufficient. Ok, they deserved it.

Strength came back, at least a little of it and I found my way.

I followed the narrow valley, rather a dark trench, but soon a promising light appeared.

My spirits raised and soon I stood in bright sunshine. Temperature jumped up a few degrees so I put my gloves away.

This plant lets hang down its leafs. As a protection against freezing the water content is reduced.

The way from Rein up to the hills is ascending moderately. The forest track is quite convenient.

Several years ago a storm hit some forests here. This slope was not reforested properly and the damage goes on.

On the ridge the landscape is lovely again.

I turned to the left to visit Pleschkogel first.

Soon I could see over the main valley to my home exercise track Schöckl. It looks different from this perspective.

My destination Pleschkogel oe/st-285 was reached a little early but the watchful chasers found me. In the fun of the activation I forgot to take a photo. So I have just the log as souvenir.

Having planned a second activation I had to move on. Before Heiggerkogel there is the Heigger-Bergkreuz.

From there it is not too far to the summit and my second activation of the day, oe/st-477.

Together 12 qso were done, including one s2s. Thanks to all. Due to my bad planning I missed the s2s to Zirbitzkogel, sorry Klaus.

Walking down I felt a little fatigued, I am not yet fully fit. But it is getting better and I am happy beeing on the path again. At least 792 meters difference in elevation upwards and 19.7 km walking distance were achived.

In the afternoon the plant I passed by in the morning stretched its leafs out.

cu, hear u 73, Johannes



now I am back in my former walking rythm of alternating longer and shorter hikes. Today a short one was to do. I activated Buchkogel near Graz oe/st-303. The walk comprised only 302 meters gain in altitude. But together with my daily strength training, the the work load felt sufficiently heavy.

6 qso were done including two s2s to Hohenwart oe/kt-119. Thanks to all.

Now I am looking for good weather in the forecasts to plan my next excursion with more vertical meters to do. My health conditions improve, I suffer almost no coughing any more.

All the best, take care, 73, Johannes

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