First try at 10m

Well - Inspired by Mike YYY( Who else?) I decided yesterday to make up a simple dipole for the 10m band.
Today, I took it up my local hill to try it out - quite expecting to spend most of my time trimming etc. but no, it was perfect from the word go!
Finding that it was resonant at the point I wanted to operate I duly called CQ.
Mike TUH was in the log. Mike kindly spotted me and put me on the DX cluster - thanks Mike. After the spot things started to happen fast and in just 1 hour 26 minutes I made 51 contacts all on 28mhz.


22 north America.
1 Uruguay.
1 Barbados.
1 Panama.
3 Azores.

Not a bad first attempt at the band. I can’t wait for the next time.

Many thanks to all.



Looks like I was one of the 22 from North America.
Thanks for the 10M Contact and SOTA Chaser Points
Best 73 de (Dow) W4DOW

Hello Barry,

Well done - Panama (to me) is a rare one on 28Mhz and a very good tally overall. Amazing what a piece of wire can do.

I do think you got your timing absolutely right. I suppose now 10 is going to be on your options in the future :wink:

Excellent result.
Night night

I think you were Dow - you have ears of a bat :sunglasses: I heard the QSO!

What mode?


SSB of course :sunglasses:
Dinner is about to be given to the dog.

I was 1 of the others from NA. Thanks Barry, greatly appreciated !


Hello Barry
Could hear you for over 20 minutes via the ground wave 5/1, sounded really echoey. Did turn the Yagi to check for back scatter but found none so must conclude it was ground wave propagation over this short distance. Thanks for the contact!
73 de Phil ON4TA

Funny you mention echo-like sounds on a ground wave contact. Last weekend I had very short skip contact on 20m (Leeds-Tyndrum) about 350km. The signal was not loud but being on a summit meant there was no QRM etc. So I could hear a signal at 31 but it was very “watery” or “shimmery”. At times there was a distinct reverb if not echo. Obviously multiple paths bot only having a vertical I couldn’t check for directions for direct and reflect rays but possibly a mix of ground and sky wave.

What is the optimum time for the NA contacts on 10m? Trimming wire as I type!

73 Angel

Aahhhh… 10m fever, Angel :wink:

From 1230z is good.

Good Luck
Mike 2E0YYY

Hi Mike (Lord of Shining Tor)

Thanks for the S2S today. The 10m bug bit me yesterday, with the arrival of the new FT-817ND on Friday I could not resist it.

First SSB and first 10m activation…
Mild Wx at Walton hill this afternoon, 8C and some sun spells.
The antenna was a littte bit of a compromise on 10m… a 20m EFHW/MT – twicked with a T1. . I took my VK5JST aerial analyser to check what was going on .
(in hindsight my 9m randon wire and 9:1 unun / T1 would have been better I think)

I logged in 16 QSOs in 30min
9 on 10m
7 on 20m
2 cw
3 DX on NA

The only disturbance were the numerous dogs, I almost had to “administer” one of them that jumped over my gear as I was responding to Manuel EA2DT.

It was great to work 10m/SSB for the first time as well as my friend Ignacio EA2BD. Many Thanks to all the Chasers.

73 Angel M0HDF/P

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