First Successful Activation for me (W7W/WE-027)

Wanted to drop a thank you to the chasers I managed to log today!

It wasn’t the best start, I didn’t check my throw line knot on the weight bag and lost that first thing. I went over the equipment I had with me and was able to make another throw bag out of my spare tube seat pack from my bike. After getting a line up in a nearby tree, I found out I had managed to leave the SO-239 to BNC connector at home.

Luckily I had my little AX1 whip and some counterpoise, my first chaser gave me an RST of 149 so you know I was closer to QRP than not, even at the max 10w my kx2 can put out.

The bike ride up to Antoine Peak had only a few walking bits, and luckily the drizzle never turned into anything substantial. Eventually after the sun came up I had some company from hikers and their dogs which was a nice surprise.

Overall the weather wasn’t as bad as the forecast suggested, and the sunrise was quite lovely. Really glad to have made some CW contacts after my first SOTA attempt on SSB resulted in no contacts at all. I can see why people are really into activating!

Looking forward to more chasing and activating.



Congrats on your activation! Hope to get an s2s with you sometime soon.
Mike K6STR


You’re hooked, JT!
Welcome aboard.

Ken & Kay , KE7BGM