First SOTA Summit of the year - in pictures

I was given an unexpected day off on Thursday 2 January and the forecast said frost and sun - but no snow. With a full list of Winter Bonus summits available but a slight (I hope) leg injury we (M6BWA and M0JLA) opted for GW/MW-010 Gwaunceste Hill 542m, one of the nearest and easiest to reach - but not to get 2m/70cm contacts. It is low, fairly flat on top and in Mid-Wales which is scenic but not densely populated by chasers - or anyone else! Even the 2 nearest pubs to this summit have closed down within the last 15 months which is a bad sign. It has had 168 recorded activations including 15 visits from us (30 of those activations nearly a fifth of the total - but we do live less than an hour away) and no two visits have been alike despite the fact that we now always come in from the west on the road to Hundred House, and park in the large layby with a short walk back along the road before turning up the tarmac lane to the farm, dogs and increasingly ruined farmhouse. The lane was wet and icy but we were soon through the first gate and on the way up

On through another couple of decrepid gates and we were out on the open moor and being eyed hungrily by the local sheep. We confidently ignored the first track to the right (on the bridleway which is too low) and took the second which led up to the usual nature reserve gate

Now Rod M0JLA is well skilled in opening heavy and awkward gates so I can make a stately progress up the hills but the additon of this round sheep feader took it over his usual limit. We then found a white notice with a right arrow sending us back to the lower gate which we had confidently ignored. Obviously the farmer has decided to economise on repairing/rehanging gates and has cut this one out - but, to our surprise, the one on the bridleway opened perfectly so we were soon walking up beside the fence, photographing the obstruction and starting up the rather icy farm track

which has its wet moments but we soon (too soon??) left the track and started the heathery climb up to the flat top

with the trig point just visible to the left. We picked our way up a small track (and came back by the longer, easier route)…to reach the top and trig point. Unfortunately the slight cold wind was coming up the scarp so I chose to set up some way away from the trig (and from any sort of take-off I later realised) and chose a spot with short heather and thus no shelter but at least I found the pencil I’d dropped - a rare feat in heather!!.

The views in all directions were extensive but the nearest Marilyn Grreat Rhos GW/MW-002 662m did not look very impressive

I started immediately with a s2s with 2E0DJQ on Pole Bank G/WB-005 so I thought this would be a quick activation as 2 contacts came in from Ludlow and I had got 3 on both 2m and 70cm. What could go wrong? Everything. I called and called and… I stood up, moved around and nothing worked (not even ‘Is my signal getting out?’ which often suggests to the silent listener that a reply would be very welcome) for 30 minutes until G0LGS Stewart from Cheltenham came to the rescue. He had recognised my voice while cooking his lunch and went up to the shack. - many, many tx. A quick visit to Rod who was busy on 40m but noticing the wind was rising and he soon started dismantling and we were on our way down. The track didn’t look so cold, but I still managed to find an icy patch to slip on. The sun was right behind us and I was impressed with how well my trekking poles showed up!.

It was back trhough the gates and past the icy patches, some of which had melted, to the car, Kington, ‘Grumpy Grandads’ bakery and tea with friends. With the current forecast for snow I think it will be a while before we are out again but I look forward to seeing some (more exciting) accounts and pictures from you all.
Happy New Year Viki


After a survey of the mountain forecasts for the hills around me, I opted for West Lomond GM/SS-154 yesterday. The sun was coming up as I set off from the carpark. Light snow and some ice on the path. The wind appeared from the NW as I started the ascent to the summit and windchill was forecast about -8 C, it certainly felt like it.

I set up my shelter and then the antenna. The views were spectacular with gliders circling on the up draft.

I was a bit worried about propagation after the Aurora but ended up with 50 Qso’s, 15m was particularly busy. Eventually my toes got too cold despite my new socks from Santa and I wandered back down. My Aunt lives only a few miles from the hill and she had coffee and biscuits ready by the time I got there. A great start to the year.


first run of the year and first quickly activation. I started from Valmadrera with minimal setup: 5L rucksac, kenwood th-f7, I didn’t have time for activation in HF. I climb up along vertical kilometer passing to Corno Birone; when I arrived on Mt Rai I/LO-247,

The summit

The anti-peak Cornizzolo.

I called at 145.500 FM and after 4 qsos in the area of 70km I passed in qrt due to the sunset and I climb down from another path not exposed

The path in the darkness

San Tomaso Church

Lecco city

Happy New Year!!
iw2obx Roberto


When I see a trig point like that, I wonder whether the hill is getting lower and flatter and the trig-point has somehow been left at its original height, or whether some process in the soil and sub-soil has somehow caused the trig-point to rise out of the ground… :wink:

Sure looks chilly up there, but looks like a fine day for an activation (if you can cope with the cold).


frost-heave maybe?


Hi Viki

Sorry we missed you for an S2S - we made a late decision to go out, and decided to go for Tor y Foel GW/SW-013 as a nice easy start to the year.

It was cold but sunny - near the top we settled into one of the depressions and had lunch before getting on the air. In the sunshine and out of the gentle breeze it started to feel quite warm.

2M was pretty quiet as seems to often be the case recenty, but I had a good run on HF

Some panoramas from Cathy :smiley:

Waun Rydd

The farm in the valley

Northwards to Llangorse and Troed (at the right side)



Here are a couple of pics from Ingleborough G/NP-005 yesterday. Bitterly cold, only 6 contacts on 2m but two S2S, the furthest being the Stiperstones G/WB-003 with Alan 2E0JDQ, quite a good stretch. Also Tim G5OLD on High Street G/LD-011. A grand day out with my son Tom.

73 John


I wish to complain! I’ve got more snow in my road at 165m ASL vs Andy MOX’s 522m summit.

Though they’re predicting nearly 2in of snow for London so the world is going to end. :wink:


I spent the nice weather on the 2nd Jan at Bike Park Wales with my son and his friends. Checked the forecast before heading home and was pondering whether I could be bothered to drive back to Wales again today, the 3rd. Glad I did, as I enjoyed a cold but beautiful day.

First up was Waun Fach GW/SW-002. Usual cold wind on top, so I just used the AX-1 on 20M CW to try and get moving again quickly. Got lucky and was swiftly done.

View just short of Waun Fach summit:

Waun Fach View

Then a drive across the valley for Mynydd Troed GW/SW-009. Short but steep haul to the top. Got the EFRW up this time as slightly warmer and less breezy. 20M CW again and then a few on 40M.

Trig shot on Mynydd Troed:

Mynydd Troed summit

Probably had enough light for Mynydd Llangorse as well. But was too lazy, and didn’t fancy getting cold activating again. Got home to find out my son wants to go mountainbiking again tomorrow, so glad I saved the beans! (Although I won’t be driving to Wales for the third day on the trot!).


Happy New Year all ! I have the fortune to be in the lakes with friends and family, so have been spoilt with the hard decisions on which fells to bag!

Wednesday was Red Screes G/LD-017

and Thursday was the Kentmere round including high street G/LD-011 and Stoney cove pike G/LD-018

This year I’ve set a goal to get a Summit to summit with all, if not most activations. So thanks to many operators for a great start including John @G0MHF on 2m who sent his pictures on Ingleborough.


Hi all
HNY from JA. My first SOTA activation of 2025 is Mt Ooyama JA/KN-006,1252m. Not clear sky but slightly seen Mt. Fuji.


Well jealous of all the lovely summits further afield… what a start to the year!

I decided to go for a fast & light local hike yesterday - beautiful sunshine.

G/SC-002 - VHF only, 10 contacts. Every time I tried to go QRT, someone else called in… culturally, VHF QSOs are long and relaxed… so I was there for an hour. Gorgeous views.

G/SC-004 - VHF only, first contact was a S2S (thanks @M1GEO for braving the cold at GW/SW-001). Much harder work on this summit. Got my 3 remaining contacts and left sharpish as it was late in the day. :cold_face:

PS - no photos. Can’t use my phone with gloves on HI.


I feel like maybe Andy is getting a double dip on the first-activations-2025 thread here.

As a well organised fella he planned the outing to GM/SS-133, I just hopped in the car and came along for the ride.

2m was difficult and I don’t know why, but 10m got me plenty in the log. Then a little 20m before we went home. The most difficult part was adjusting the links in the dipole with cold fingers.


Picked the wrong day again! I was busy on the Thursday so I ended up on Friday 3rd January
2m FM, 7 SSB, 14 SSB

GW/NW-044 Moel Famau
Frozen path and snow showers.

GW/NW-051 Foel Fenlli
More frozen path… snow held off mostly until I was packing up.


My first summit for the year was VK3/VC-003 Mt Ritchie. It was a 35 minute hike up to the top of the summit, starting in metre high grasses at about 1070m ASL then along a 40m wide fire break track rising up to 1255 m ASL. The weather was ideal for hiking at about 15 deg C and it took about 35 minutes, getting to the summit at 2200z, 9:00 am local time.

The station consisted of FT817ND, 7 Ah LiFePO4 battery, 6m SOTAbeam tactical mast and a VK3YE inverted L antenna with L match. I was on air at 2225z logging one QSO on 10m SSB, then moving to 40m SSB.
Before roll over I had 18 S2S contacts from 26 SSB QSOs. After roll over was 13 S2S from 20 SSB QSOs. I also made five 40m FT8 contacts after roll over.

At one stage fog rolled in dropping the temperature a few degrees, prompting me to put on a polar fleece jacket for about 30 minutes.

The hike back to my car took 25 minutes as it is always quicker going downhill than up :slight_smile:

The view from the summit is just trees and more trees. The smaller trees are new growth since the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009, while the taller trees are survivors of that fire.


Thanks for the QSO, Omar! And others, of course! Couple of pictures from GW/SW-001 yesterday!

It was absolutely freezing! There were more calling but after sitting in snow with strong winds at -4C, I needed to get moving so as to regain feeling in my hands and feet! :joy::joy:

Cheers & 73,
George. M1GEO.


First summit of the year for me was Ingleborough G/NP-005. It was just me and my 12 year old son at home and we needed to get out of the house.

I struggled to get ready to leave the house (finding radio kit, charging a battery etc, it was all rather last minute), so we didn’t start walking until lunch time.

The path was quite challenging due to ice and the slippy nature of the nearly entirely paved route. Thankfully MWIS had reliably inflated the forecast for wind speed so whilst there was a biting chilly breeze, it wasn’t at the 20-30 mph that the pessimistic folks at the Mountain Weather Information Service had reckoned.

I made 17 QSOs with my MTR-5B including 4 transatlantic whilst my son watched on from his luxurious Alpkit stool, wearing every bit of clothing he’d taken! I spent 20 minutes on the radio before it went quiet and then I quickly turned the radio off as I was conscious of my son feeling the cold. For fun my son made up some instant noodles on my camp stove, which at least warmed him up a little bit.

We did the last bit of descent in the dark.

It was a memorable day out and lots of fun.

73 es HNY, Colin


I didn’t know you had Scottish Pandas so far South!

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We have lots of Panda Cows around here - they’re regarded as ‘Heritage Cattle’ and used for wilderness conservation. The project for the Ingleborough area is called ‘Wild Ingleborough’

I know that cattle is used on Gummer’s How, Arnside Knott and in the Ennerdale valley for the same purpose.

The Ennerdale beasties


Malvern Hills also.