First of 2022: I/PM-314 (Monte Musine) IW0HK

Hello everybody,
today I finally managed to make the first sota activation of 2022, after days at home with a small cough and with all the family management of the post Christmas and post new year. In the end, together with my third son Emilio, aged 12, we managed to escape and drive to Mount Musinè, a beautiful 1100 meter peak near Turin. I am here because I was born in Turin and for the holidays and every now and then I come to visit my mother. Today was a beautiful and warm day, even though it was January we got in our t-shirts, it was incredibly hot. The sign said 2.10 hours to the top … me and Emilio in an hour and twenty minutes we reached the top where a HUGE concrete cross took up all the space. I moved to the side and found a support for my fishing rod which served as a support for the usual “random” wire connected to a 9: 1 balun and the at-100 Tuner and the usual Ft-817 rtx. This time I only used the 40 meters band where I did 19 qso in cw and ssb with a beautiful qso S2s with Markus IN3ADF / 3 from South Tyrol. During the sota activity, as usual, they asked me why I used a fishing rod in the mountains and the usual questions that we radio amateurs have to expect.
After two sandwiches with Emilio we went down to the city, an hour’s walk and we found ourselves back in the car. Overall a beautiful activation, splendid top and excellent propagation in 40 meters. Let’s hope it’s the first of many activations for 2022 !!


I think, it’s a good start in the SOTA year. Wish you luck!

73, Ludwig

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