First Annual **W1 SOTA** Bonus Summit to Summit (S2S) Weekend Event

First Annual W1 SOTA Bonus Summit to Summit (S2S) Weekend Event

December 3rd and 4th, 2022!

Activate any 2 point or higher summit in the W1 Association and receive a 3 Point Bonus. The more activations the more possible activator, S2S and chaser points! Any bands are possible from HF CW/SSB to VHF/UHF bands. Target times for activating are between 1600z and 1900z. Please send me an email at with any questions and to let me know if you plan to participate including the band/mode you plan to operate on. I will assist in coordinating and notifying others of planned activity in this event.

73, Bob AC1Z

Alton, NH

W1 Regional SOTA Manager


W1 is a unique place, the only association in the world whose rules make you ineligible for an award climbing in the Hanging Hills region if you are killed in the process. Maybe they had a bad experience in the past trying to deliver an award to the surviving spouse??

Elliott, K6EL


Alert posted for W1/HA-148, le Mont d’Urban at 16:00 utc.
It’s directly on the Canadian/US border and it’s never been activated.
The activation zone is also on the Canadian side so, no need for me to add the suffix /W1.
See you next weekend.
73, Éric, VA2EO


Eric, Good luck hiking the Sentier Frontalier to reach Mont D’Urban.
I am keeping an eye on the weather and expect to activate a summit in W2/GC on Saturday.
Stay warm and dry!
Mike, WB2FUV

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