First activation of Großvenediger (OE/TI-003, 3666 m)

First activation of Großvenediger (OE/TI-003, 3666 m)

Due to the high altitude this summit can only be accessed by crossing a glacier, while trying to avoid closer contact with crevasses. We started at 5 o‘ clock in the morning from the Kürsinger hut and reached the summit after about six hours. Being part of a rope team, we had to adjust our hiking speed and the time slot for the activation.
At first we thought we could also operate on 14 Mhz, but conditions did not allow it. The weather was fine but rather cold and windy and we only had 15 minutes operating time while we were queuing to cross over to the tiny summit area.
We, therefore, only operated on 2m FM and then headed downhill. On the way up we had walked over several snow covered crevasses. If we had stayed much longer on top the sun would have started to melt the snow bridges across the crevasses and the risk would have been much higher.
We are very sorry, but we had to cancel the 14 MHz alert even though some of you chasers might have been waiting for a spot.
See you next time
Sylvia, OE5YYN and Peter, OE5AUL


Hello Sylvia and Peter,

Thanks for the report. I have not been on the radio since the 27th September and not very much on the computer (friend from USA staying with us) so…

Pictures are amazing. Yes better not to fall through into crevasses :wink:

Best wishes to you both and the team.


I always wondered who would finally manage to activate this one - that’s a very fine achievement! Congratulations to both of you.

73, Rob

Many thanks for the activation report and pictures,stunning achievement. 73 Don.

Fantastic - beats my pictures of G/TW-004!

Nick G4OOE

Another marvelous set of pictures. No need to apologise for not being able to do much radio when you can see the conditions.

73 Andy