Finished in La Graciosa

My last summit in Lanzarote: 04/02/24, Agujas Grandes, EA8/LA-023 on the island La Graciosa. It’s one of the 177 SAC’s (Special Areas of Conservation / European “Nature 2000 Network”) on the Canary Islands.

Was there during my trip a problem with the boat, the sea or with me?

No problem to find the direction to the summit. It’s a walk of 1 1/2 hour from the harbour. The way to go up / down: difficult!

Be careful because of the loose small stones!

On the top, always wind:

I’m grateful to all HAM’s who have made an effort to pick my 5w. out of the noise. I’m sure, it wasn’t easy on a “contest sunday”…

On my return, a last view on the rocks of Lanzarote from the boat:

Beautiful nature!

73, ON4ROB