Financing of SOTA

Good idea. I calendar January first and July fourth, which is a major US holiday. For the amount, I use an easy to remember number: 100 GBP for each installment.

Elliott Pisor
Kilo Six English Lineage



Iā€™m back having failed to spend all the SOTA funds on beer :rofl:

Seriously though, a steady flow of orders and donations are keeping the bank balance topped up and we are managing to fund all the bells and whistles; so thank you to everybody who helps contribute.


Thatā€™s good to know. I have another certificate to order and I will add some merchandise too.

Thanks for all you do. SOTA is a great program. I got into amateur radio for portable operations (emergencies, etc). SOTA is the perfect fit. Donating was easier than getting rid of my ex!
73 Gary

Hi @GM4TOE Barry ā€¦ @MM0FMF Andy, I hope your keeping well and had a good trip! We are holding a GW SOTA S2S morning and get together BBQ in the afternoonā€¦. at this event, I have been donated some good prizes from suppliers, i.e. Yaesuā€¦Icomā€¦Sirioā€¦ SOTAbeams etc etc. With these prizes I am going to run a raffle on the day with tickets to purchase. All the funds I make will be donated to you guys for running such a fantastic hobby and website! It wonā€™t be millions, but I hope itā€™ll help. So, Iā€™ll send the funds through the normal channel in a couple of weeks.

73, GW4BML. Ben


I donĀ“t like so much Awards but in Sota I purchase all the Awards that I achieved. Is the way to promote and help the community.

TNX a lot for all people who makes possible this fantasctic program.


same here :grin:

SOTA awards are the only Iā€™m interested inā€¦ and the order is always a good way to link a donation with itā€¦ :wink:

73 Armin


Just made a donation. Glad to contribute now, it could be a while before I purchased an award!