Feb Hill of The Month?

In reply to G4OIG:

I’m afraid you are going on a short trip Gerald, straight to the foot of your stairs.

I’m open to offers though if you would like to do the honours and send it to me?

73 Mike

In reply to GW0DSP:

Don’t take my word for it - ask Richard G4ERP, Frank G3RMD and Peter G3TJE, they all told me that they liked the hill when I activated it last month. Paul G4MD and I enjoyed it as well! Not super spectacular, but a nice part of the world to be.

73, Gerald

In reply to G4OIG:

Well it wont be Windlestraw Law. I did it when it was frozen the 1st time and after a week of heavy rain this time.

Bog at the bottom, rotten vast expanse of bog in the middle, and god damn well boggy at the top. Bog, bog, bog, bog, bog! The flatish bit in the middle had the consistency of porridge. Awful ground. Nice views at the top though.

Not hill of the month!


In reply to MM0FMF:

Views? It had nice VIEWS and you won’t nominate it? Must have been bad ground!

73, Gerald

In reply to G4OIG:

It’s boggy from the start. The flatish bit in the middle is so soft and porridge like I was afraid to stop in case I sank in and couldn’t move. And when you get to the summit there’s bogpool after bog pool. Even the trig has a moat!

Thousands of hecrares of bog.
