F6HBI/P Alert I/PM and F/AM

Hello all,
i probably, depending on the weather condx, be active from I/PM or F/AM (or both) on the Italian/French border. Queyras and Mon Viso area around 3000m asl. Could be Thursday 11, Friday 12, Saterday 13 of July. I will do my best.
73’s Gerald F6HBI

In reply to F6HBI:
Hello Gerald… Best day maybe friday… Storm here till friday…
Send me an email at orange.fr I can come if you want…

In reply to F5UBH:
Hi Tof, i sent you an email at orange.fr and gmailalso, Col Agnel is 54km far from Briançon, so it may be easy to meet somewere for a funny Sota day!
Cu all in Cw