
FYI, I am mobile on the Nivernais Canal heading for Corbingy where we depart the boat in the early Monday morning and head back for Paris. Thanks to all activators. Boat is generating a fair bit of QRM. Using a KX3 and Alex Loop on the deck. 73s Tony

In reply to VK3CAT:
Hi. Tony very glas to have this short qso this Moring from TK/TK-121 . We have 2 weeks of holidays un corsica and take full benefit of Beach sun and corsica food . En joy jour sailing Tony. 73 de Chris F6FTB

In reply to F6FTB:
Thanks Chris. Took a bit to break through. Think others could not hear my flea power. Limited opportunities today with strong winds on the nivernais canal and many locks to get through. Paris tomorrow and Moulin Rouge Tuesday night.vthanks for everything, Tony