F/JU-001 cancelled today

I reached the way point 07-SURTH 1660 m with some orienteering difficulties due to very bad visibility mostly 10 - 20 m. I had to rely on my GPS and compass to find the correct directions. So I decided to cancel my activation today on Cret de la Neige. Further progress from 07-SURTH to F/JU-001 would have been very slow and perhaps risky. The weather now at Thoiry is very nice, but the summits on Jura above 1400 m seem to be still inside the same cloud.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

In reply to F5VGL:

Always a difficult decision to make Jaakko
but JU-001 will be there another day, in better Wx.
Thanks for trying.


In reply to F5VGL:

Good to understand Jaakko.
Today the temperatur in “La Brévine” (Canton Neuchatel)
also called “Swiss Siberia” was -32,5°C. brrrrr

Vy73 de Fritz dl4fdm,hb9csa

In reply to F5VGL:

Hi Jaakko, I have just returned home after 1 week in Bettmeralp, Valais.
I managed to activate VS-111 on 9/02/09 with good weather but, all week we had snow and freezing fog conditions. I tried to walk to Freischeralp on 12/2/09 but deep snow and fog stopped my activation of Eggishorn, VS-110 and, if I had reached the summit, wind chill temps abt -25 degs C!!
So, apologies from me also for non - activation!!

73s de Peter (HB9)/G3TJE+

In reply to G3TJE:

Hi Peter,

Valais/Wallis is a very nice and rough region at the same time. Congratulations to your first time activation of Riederhorn 2230 m.

We had yesterday ski club outing to Pointe de Chalune 2116 m. The wind on top was strong and we did not stay there for long. Anyway it was relaxing outing for me since I did not need to worry about the complications related to the SOTA activations and I was part of the group, which could help me if needed. My trip on Saturday was also nice though I do not recommend it to anybody in such a bad visibility.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL