F/CR-245 13/09/2020

Hi all,

Today was activating F/CR-245 Chapelle Sainte-Radegonde, an easy one, for testing my new rig, not an IC-705 but an FT-817nd in very good working condition that I have just purchased and a new keyer (uniHAM UNI-715) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000162609621.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3da26c37pj48LQ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The weather was fine, we got 32°C :sweat_smile:

The setup was quick, a lot of trees around no need a pole to put my EFHW antenna. The shack was pleasant in the shade of an oak tree and comfortably seated at a camping table :wink:

Started on 40m with directly an s2s with Antonio @EA4MY/P on EA4/MD-028, but was a lot of QSO QRM between 7.030 and 7.038, so moved around to find a free frequency ! And after 1h30 of activation seven s2s and one GMA between 7Mhz and 14Mhz in CW and for the first time in SSB :upside_down_face: my EFHW antenna not worked on 30m !

Time for a break, XYL and me needed to have a snack !

2nd round and 5 more s2s :+1: and the icing on the cake one transatlantic QSO with Leslie @K4DY !

Here the map of my activation :

I was surprised watching my spots on RBN :star_struck:

The conclusions after this new experience:
1 - review my antenna system, need to try all bands.
2 - learn to manage the controls of my 817 :crazy_face:
3 - try to use one of the 2 applications I’ve on my smartphone to log all QSO.

Thanks all chasers and activators who made my day (12 s2s 30 QSO). See all soon !

73 Éric


Bonsoir Eric,
merci pour ce compte-rendu, l’endroit semble confortable pour un SOTA ! Concernant Leslie, on arrive régulièrement à le contacter vers les 14h locales sur 20m. J’ai déjà fait QSO avec lui avec 2,5W sur FT817 (quand les batteries étaient faibles) avec une verticale de 6,50m. Il écoute très régulièrement. Bon courage pour la suite et au plaisir d’un prochain S2S !

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Bonsoir Jean Claude,
Merci pour le petit mot :wink: oui c’est très confortable et comme je ne peux pas faire grandes choses en tant qu’activateur je recherche plutôt des sites accessibles :slightly_smiling_face:
A bientôt, peut-être pour un s2s :+1:
73 Éric