F/CR-109 activation report TM15SOTA

Hi all,

The day had started badly, not heard the alarm clock. A quick loading of the car, the equipment was fortunately ready, plus XYL Christine and little Louna. :wink:

The weather seemed good 12°C leaving the house, blue sky and very light wind, when would it be up there?

Here you can see the summit with its radio tower (1125m) from Cabrières d’Aigues (421m) from where Roger @F5LKW left to climb for the first time activation of the F/CR-109 on 20 Jun 2009 (see Sotlas):+1:

The summit stone has been unsealed and moved! Why ?

Despite a nice telecom’s tower the network coverage is not so good, which did not help me on the summit. No cluster to tell me where the other TM15SOTA are, luckily the DMR on TG973 worked well.

This activation was to allow me to test my Arrow II antenna in VHF and UHF, so I installed it on a tripod and started on 145.525Mhz.

Friends from my area were present with an average QRB of 55km. I tried to EA3 and EA6 but nothing…
11 QSO on 2m and 2 on 70cm.

F_CR_109 2m map

It was time to turn the antenna towards Gérald @F6HBI who was activating F/AM-532

On his way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We always have to believe in it, even if there are a lot of rocks between us :crazy_face:

I heard it but very faintly and another station drowned out its signals but gave me my ODX from those antenna tests (99km). :+1:

Time for the HF!

Was quite cold and after mounting the HF antenna the wind was at my back and the temperature was almost 4°C.

A total of 55 QSO’s mainly in CW, on 60, 40, 20 and 17m.
Sorry for those who were waiting for me on SSB.
Thank you to all hunters :wink:

View to F/CR-007 Le Ventoux

Les Alpes.

Of course, after this beautiful morning, a time to rest with a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau and a good dessert.

73, Éric


Outrageous! My broken pancreas is crying seeing that picture :slight_smile:


Thank you Éric, it looks cold but what surroundings, with the Alpes so near.

I smiled when I saw your table cloth (nappe de table?). I often travel in France in our camping-car and always when the French are eating outside they use a table cloth. We primitive Anglaise never do!

Thank you for the QSO but I cannot promise my CW will improve, I was trying a straight key today and managed about 10 wpm. :slight_smile:

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Hi Eric,

I encourage you to try horizontal polarisation on 2m. In experiments I and others here have found that horizontal polarisation has better distance performance than vertical. The other station should also use horizontal, of course. Also - use SSB or CW for even better distances than FM.

Bon appetit.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA