I have an update concerning those USB 1.5V batteries:
A couple of months ago, I saw a set of 8 batteries on a chinese online platform for a price that matched my curiosity. (Approximately the price of 8 AA cells from the Swedish furniture store). So I decided to give it a try, mentally putting them to use in remote controls etc. in case of uselessness.
They are labelled “AOAE”, have a USB C charging port and claim to have a capacity of 2700 mWh, which corresponds to 1800 mAh@1.5V. A bit higher than the Paleblue batteries, but not very far from plausible values.
When they arrived, I first put them into the FT-817 and noticed no audible difference in noise compared to a connected external power supply.
Equipped with a spare battery, I gave them a try at an activation today and was positively surprised: With the FT-817 set to 5W output power, I managed to get 1h15min continuous operation time in CW. (i.e. either having QSOs or calling CQ). When the batteries were depleted (during a CQ call), the TRX switched off, then after a second on again, and the display showed 9.5V.
Temperature at the car park was -1°C, at the summit probably a degree or so lower. There was no voltage drop during the whole activation. The temperature probably supported that there was no overheating which would trigger some kind of protection.
I don’t consider that bad. For comparison: NiMH batteries in the battery compartment give me an operation time of roughly 1 1/2 hours, but after a while (depending on temperature and age of the batteries), the output power falls back to 2.5W during operation, so I constantly have to have an eye on this.
All in all, for short activations, these USB batteries seem to be the better option for me, since they keep their output voltage constant until they are depleted. When I plan longer or several activations, I’ll carry an external battery with me anyway.
Yet to be tested: operation time with 2.5W output power, and activations in hot weather to see if this triggers any temperature protection.
73 Jens HB9EKO