Everything you wanted to know about ARRL Field Day but were afraid to ask

What’s a class, section, multiplier, bonus, cabrillo, example exchange, entry and logs?

==ARRL Field Day Tips==
(Class A) portable - Club or (non-club with 3) or more
(Class A - Battery) portable - Club or 3 or more
(Class B) portable - 1 or 2
(Class B - Battery) - 1 or 2
(Class C) Mobile
(Class D) Home stations
(Class E) Home stations - Emergency power
(Class F) Emergency Operations Center (EOC)


  • US & Canada, others are “DX”

=Exchange Example=
1 transmitter at home in San Diego

  • Phone (SSB/FM): One Delta San Diego
  • CW: “1D SDG”

=Entry Form=

  • class, power source, multiplier, bonus, info/help

=Cabrillo QSO File=

  • Cabrillo Online Tool (WA7BNM/Bruce Horn)


#ARRL #HamRadio #AmateurRadio

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