Europe from W4C/WP-012 on 20 April

Here’s a link to a report of my 20 April activation:

Conditions to Europe were not as good as expected but I still managed 21 EU QSOs including 3 S2Ss (GW4ISJ/P, M0GYX/P and G3CWI/P). I’ll have similar antennas for the QRPTTF this Saturday and expect similar or even better propagation. The best EU openings for 15/20m may peak late in the day for Activators but I hope to at least work many EU Chasers. See you Saturday from W4C/EM-047!

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to W4ZV:

See you Saturday from W4C/EM-047!

Let’s hope conditions are favourable. I’ll give it a shot and will listen for you.

Thanks for the link to the blog post, Ive got a short report here also.
